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"You look horrible," Makio whispered.

"It's wonderful to see you too," I said, letting my arms fall back at my sides. "How's college?"

"It's good. I met this—"

"Makio," My brother said.

"Right. We're not talking about me!" She exclaimed, rushing forward to bring me into an embrace. "Tamotsu and I rushed back when Mom told us what happened. I thought it was just another one of your stupid stunts."

"How are you holding up?" Tamotsu asked, his eyebrows furrowed together with worry.

My brother wasn't very emotional. In fact, none of my siblings were, sometimes being so apathetic it hurt, so it was weird to see my older brother be so concerned. It made me wonder what Gojo had actually told them. Or rather, how bad my mother made it sound.

"I'm fine, guys, really," I said, brushing Kinan from my leg.

"Are you Y/n's boyfriend or something?"

I turned to see my thirteen-year-old sister, Gia, standing in front of Yuuji, her arms crossed over her chest with her hip popped out to the side. She cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for his response. His cheeks turned pink, and he was having trouble finding a solid answer. Probably because Gia had that black-lady sass to her.

"Gia, leave 'em alone," Makio waved her hand at the younger girl. "You must be Itadori-kun, right?"

"Y-Yuuji is fine," He cleared his throat.

"Thank you for helping our sister," Tamotsu said, introducing himself. "That's Makio, Gia, and Kinan." Each of my siblings waved when they were introduced.

"We've heard about what happened," Makio said, motioning for all of us to sit down, which we did. "I'm really sorry that happened to you guys. I can't imagine how scared you were."

"Your neck is still pretty bruised," Gia muttered, leaning forward to touch it. "Does it—"

I recoiled so fast that I knocked against Yuuji. He grabbed me before I could fall off the couch, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back against him. I felt my chest stutter with a shaking breath. My siblings stared at me with wide eyes.

"D-Don't...Don't touch it," I whispered.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Gia exclaimed, tucking her hands under her thighs. "I did not mean—!"

"I-It's okay!" I said. "You didn't know."

Yuuji's hand began to slide away. "You okay?" He asked, his voice quiet in my ear.

I nodded but placed my hand over his to keep it around me. He didn't fight it, instead, pulling me closer against his chest.

"Tender?" Makio asked softly. "Or bad thoughts?"

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