Soldiers from the neighbouring Kingdom

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In the months following the crowning of Arthur as King of Camelot and Morgana as the Princess of Camelot, the kingdom buzzed with the promise of a brighter future. But amidst the celebrations and festivities, a surprise awaited Merlin and Percival that would change the course of their lives forever.

Merlin couldn't quite believe the news his loyal knight had just delivered, so he decided to confirm it himself. Stealthily, he slipped into the shadows behind the imposing throne of the young King, his head hung in contemplation.

The knights of Deria, a kingdom known for its resilience and valor, entered the grand hall of Camelot, and they did so with a mixture of reverence and apprehension. Their arrival drew the attention of the court, and the room fell into a hushed silence.

"Rise, knights," Arthur's voice resonated, filled with a blend of authority and understanding, sensing the fear that seemed to hang heavy upon the visitors. Once the knights stood tall, their armor gleaming in the torchlight, Arthur continued, his curiosity piqued. "What brings you here? And from which kingdom do you hail?"

The knight at the forefront, who bore the weight of his people's hope and desperation, stepped forward to address the young King. "King Arthur, I am Prince Noah, and we come from the fallen kingdom of Deria. We seek your aid to reclaim our kingdom and to locate my twin brother, as well as the knight who has accompanied him."

Merlin's heart leaped within him as he heard the mention of his baby brother, alive and safe. The term 'fallen kingdom' held a glimmer of hope, suggesting that his uncle's reign was not entirely accepted, and perhaps the people still yearned for their true crown prince.

"Deria, you say?" Arthur inquired, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Yes, sire," Prince Noah replied, his voice tinged with lingering fear.

Arthur's puzzlement deepened. "I have received letters from Deria in the past two to four months, all from the royal family. Why, then, do you refer to it as a fallen kingdom?"

A growl of indignation escaped Sir William, who stood behind Prince Noah. "That traitor is not our king, and we refuse to follow him."

Arthur arched an eyebrow, prompting Sir Elijah to interject. "Apologies for Sir William's outburst, sire. I am Sir Elijah. What he says is the truth. The current King of Deria is an impostor, the brother of our true king, who betrayed everyone's trust and launched an attack. We were tasked with evacuating the queen and the Hatchlings—"

At the mention of "Hatchlings," Merlin's interest peaked.

"—so we don't remember much from the actual war," Elijah continued. "We've been gathering loyal knights who served King Balinor, our rightful king, and training them in preparation for the day we can reclaim our kingdom."

"Balinor, you say?" Arthur asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.

The knights nodded collectively.

"And why have you come to Camelot now?" Arthur probed further.

Noah stepped in to provide an explanation. "My mother entrusted me to a group of loyal knights who had remained true to my father's memory. She took my older brother to her childhood home, Ealdor, accompanied by one of our knights. We scoured all five kingdoms and found no trace of my brother. Thus, we are here, seeking the knight and the rightful heir to the throne. But there is one more thing you should know before you make your decision, sire."

Arthur leaned in, curious. "What is it, Prince Noah?"

"No need for titles, sire," Noah replied with a small, reassuring smile. "You can call me Noah. The information I wish to share is that Deria is a kingdom of magic. My father was a dragon lord, and upon his death, the title passed to my brother, who is also a powerful Warlock. Magic flows through my veins as well, though not as strongly as my brother's. I promise not to use my magic while in your kingdom."

Arthur nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for your candour, Noah. I will require some time to ponder this before making my decision. But before we proceed, one more question: you mentioned the 'Hatchlings.' Who are they?"

A soft, nostalgic smile graced Noah's lips as he explained, "The Hatchlings are me and my twin brother. That's what we've been called since we were children. It's a nickname that has stuck with us throughout the years."

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