Prince Merlin Emrys Ambroiusis of Deria and First Knight Percival

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After the excitement of the previous day, Arthur calls a meeting with the knights of the round table, to discuss what to do with the knights of Deria and what to tell them.

However, before any of the knights arrive, Arthur turns to his servant/best friend and asks "Merls, what do you think we should do? I really want to help them as they are in a great time of need but it would go against everything that I have been taught." 

Turning to Arthur, Merlin replies "I can't tell you what to do Arthur. This is your call, but I will tell you this, not because I'm friends with those knights and have known them for years because I genuinely think the kingdom needs to be saved from its tyrannical ruler. Just like how a sword on its own is not evil, Magic alone is not evil. The evil you see in magic resides in the person using it. Just like a sword can be used for either good or bad magic can also be used for good or bad, the goodness or evil resides in the person who yields such a huge magnitude of power." 

"So people who are like old Morgana have only evil residing in their hearts hence they use it to overthrow various kingdoms and to harm others instead of for the good of others?" Arthur asks 

"Yes. Whenever I visited Deria as a young child, I saw the magic bringing joy and harmony to everyone. All magic users were seen to be of high power and generally held high positions in the army of Deria. Not only did those in the army possess magic or practised but commoners also had it it bought much health and the kingdom was never devoid of happiness. So Arty before you make your decision I want you to think about the things that have happened to you but not only in a sense of the bad but all the times you thought that a guardian angel was protecting you and the rest of the knights because I can assure you right now that the person or angel who has helped only meant good for you would give up their life for you without a second thought," Merlin replies meaning every word 

Arthur nods going back into deep thought to only be broken by his knights and his wife entering his chambers. As they enter the room, Percival nods to Merlin in the utmost respect that Arthur has never seen the gentle giant hold for anyone else. It was like they both shared a history that no one else knew. Arthur also remembered the way the two men in front of him always had hushed conversations during their hunting trips or how Percival's first instinct was to protect Merlin rather than him whenever they ran into the problems of bandits which became a normal occurrence that it almost became ritualistic that they run into some kind of danger one way or another when they were out as a group. Arthur never judged it as he himself saw the servant in front of him as his little brother and would do anything to protect him, but what he found strange was the respect Percival held for Merlin. Arthur had noticed the amount of respect that shone in the eyes of Percival when he looked at Merlin was not present when the knight looked at him it was as if it had been dimmed but the respect had been different. Arthur couldn't help but wonder why.

When all of the knights entered and stood in front of him along with his wife Arthur says "I was talking to Merlin before all of them entered into the room and I think what he said was very true. Just like a sword can be used for both good and bad, magic can also be used for good and bad, it just depends on the person who holds the gift of having magic. Despite this going against everything that I have been taught I have come to the decision that I will not only be helping the prince and Knights of Deria to find their missing prince and Knight I also want to legalise magic once again here in Camelot."

"I think you made the right decision Sire, I have also travelled to Deria when I Was younger and Magic was seen as a gift rather than a curse and was the centre of life there. I also noticed that the oldest prince was an extraordinary person, he made an effort to remember everyone's names, hung out in the lower town helped where he could and he put his kingdom and the safety of his loved ones before his own. I still remember the smile that graced his face it was once of warmth, joy and pride mixed into one and I haven't seen that smile in years it is one that cannot be forgotten but I can assure you, Arthur you will not regret your decision," Lancelot says to his king 

"I am sure Lance. Now, let us go tell the prince of Deria and his knights some news that may bring smiles to their faces," Arthur replies to his knight knowing very well that the man standing in front of him was not wrong. 

The King and the knights of the round table went into the throne room just as everyone settled into their respective places. Arthur nodded to the Knights of Deria as he sat on his throne ready to let the kingdom know of his decision that may or may not change the lives of thousands of people from the reign of a tyrannical king. 

"I have talked to my closest members of the round table and have come to my decision about what I will do for the kingdom of Deria," Arthur says to those in the room.

"What might that decision be sire?" Noah asked without hesitation with hope shining through his voice 

 Arthur immediately felt guilty despite his choosing to help the kingdom. They had so much hope and he couldn't let them down. 

"I have decided that I would help you find the crown prince and first knight of your kingdom along with regaining your kingdom. I have had my suspicions about the king of your kingdom ever since started to send me letters for the last couple of months," Arthur says to the prince 

"Thank you sire but we will only need help to regain our kingdom. We found my brother and the first knight of our kingdom already," Noah replies 

"Oh really? I would like to meet your brother, Prince Noah. I must have met him without my knowledge," Arthur says eager to meet this prince in hiding 

"don't tell him of my identity Noah. I will tell him myself when I am ready," Merlin says to his brother and the knights telepathically so they know what he wants.

"My brother is right, Prince Noah, I also wish to know who this brother of yours is. He seems like an amazing person from what you and your knights have told us," Morgana says noticing the slight tick of the prince's Jaw. 

Sir Elijah steps up and politely asks "Sire, I believe that our prince and the first knight are in this room with your permission I would like to address the people in the room."

After thinking for a moment Arthur speaks up to say "Of course sir Elijah. it would be an honour for us to meet your prince and first knight." 

Despite knowing where his prince and the man who he considered his best friend was he turns to the crowd and says "Sire, I know that you wish to reveal your identity at a later time but I request you to come out and reveal yourself. No matter what you will have my and the knights' support the same goes for your brother. It has been a long-awaited wish of mine to see your brother together again and to call you the hatchlings so please come out your Kingdom awaits you, your friends, your sister and your brother want you back. Not only You sire but we want our First Knight back, we want our two best friends back." 

Merlin leaned against the wall thinking about what the knight had said. it was true he had seen it all on their faces, the happiness, the pride and trust they had in him after these years. He knew that he couldn't let them down not now. It was time to take his rightful position as the crown prince of Deria and future king of Deria

Looking at the floor and still in his previous position Merlin finally spoke up "How many times do have to tell you to stop calling me sire Eli? I think even Percival is tired of me saying it to him at the number of times I have said it." 

The knights of Deria, Gaius, Lancelot and Gwaine looked to the back of the room where Merlin was standing with pride in their eyes. Merlin Stood up properly to his full height pushed himself off the wall in a way that only he can do while looking the most graceful and walked forward with Percival by his side as equals one not more important than the other. Strength, pride and fierceness are evident in every stride of Merlin. The infamous smile of his returned to his face gracing his brother and knights. 

Once In front of Arthur, both the secret prince and hidden knight knelled and Sir William's voice rang out strong and proud "I Sir William present to you the Crown Prince Merlin Emrys Ambroiusis of Deria, our prince, friend, brother, fellow knight and pride, and First knight Percival, the most loyal knight and a friend out there."

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