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The knights of Deria, Gaius, Lancelot and Gwaine looked to the back of the room where Merlin was standing with pride in their eyes. Merlin Stood up properly to his full height pushed himself off the wall in a way that only he can do while looking the most graceful and walked forward with Percival by his side as equals one not more important than the other. Strength, pride and fierceness are evident in every stride of Merlin. The infamous smile of his returned to his face gracing his brother and knights.

Once In front of Arthur, both the secret prince and hidden knight knelled and Sir William's voice rang out strong and proud "I Sir William present to you the Crown Prince Merlin Emrys Ambroiusis of Deria, our prince, friend, brother, fellow knight and pride, and First knight Percival, the most loyal knight and a friend out there."

"Everyone who is not in my close group of Advisors leaves. I wish to speak to the two princes and knights of Deria alone," Arthur commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority and determination.

One by one, everyone left, their footsteps echoing in the grand chamber, leaving only the knights of the round table, the hatchlings, the knights of Deria, Gaius, and the three Pendragons.

Morgana, her eyes shimmering with hurt despite her efforts to maintain composure, addressed the still-kneeling Merlin and Percival. "Rise, Prince Merlin and Sir Percival, and tell us the truth as to why you hid this secret from us for so long. Did you not trust us? Are we not friends?"

Gaius, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "My child, you have to understand that Merlin and Percival had a good reason not to reveal the truth."

Arthur's voice grew venomous as he spoke the forbidden word. "That may be true, Gaius, but Merlin betrayed us. He was practising magic within the walls of Camelot despite the ban. How could you not tell me or my father?"

Lancelot, a loyal friend, stepped forward, pleading with his eyes. "Arthur, you have to understand that Merlin would have done nothing to harm Camelot. He witnessed the destruction of his own kingdom; why would he wish the same fate upon another?"

Fury tinged Arthur's words as he turned to Lancelot. "Why are you siding with them, Lance? Did you know of Merlin's magic?"

"I did, Arthur," Lancelot admitted. "But I only found out when Merlin helped me slay the gryphon that terrorized the kingdom when I first arrived here. All those seemingly coincidental events, like falling branches, were Merlin's doing to protect you. While Merlin guarded you, Percy protected his prince to ensure his return to his own kingdom. I saw the same smile on Merlin's face in your room earlier today. I will fight alongside Merlin to reclaim his kingdom. But, Arthur, you won't regret the decision you just made, I swear on the lives of all those I care for."

Gwaine chimed in with conviction, "I've only known about Merlin's heritage for a day, but I can see how much he cares for you, Arthur. Every time you thought he was at the tavern, he was actually saving your royal behind, knowing that his own kingdom sought his return."

Mordred, too, revealed his knowledge of Merlin's magic. "I've known about Merlin's magic for longer than you have, Arthur. He protected me countless times, ensuring I survived past the age of 12. I don't care about Merlin's heritage; I know he has risked his life for you repeatedly. He prioritized you, despite your often difficult attitude. I may not have the right to speak to you this way, but Merlin is Emrys, the King of the Druids, and he's my king. I'll stand by him until my last breath."

Percival, standing now, addressed Arthur firmly. "I don't know how much right I still have to speak to you, Arthur, but Merlin is my prince and my future king. If anything happens to him because of you, be warned, I won't hesitate to protect him, even if it means harming you."

Leon stepped forward with resolve. "Elyan and I have decided something, Sire. You are the king, and even if you break your promise to help Deria, we will go to fight on your behalf. You won't have to bear the burden of breaking your word. I will stand by Merlin as a fellow knight and help him reclaim his kingdom."

Gwen, the queen, and Merlin's dear friend, added her voice. "Arthur, every man who spoke up has a point. I don't understand why Merlin didn't tell us, but I believe there must have been a good reason. I ask not as the queen of Camelot, but as your friend, Merlin, did you not trust us enough to share your secrets?"

Arthur, bewildered by Gwen's support, asked her, "Why are you siding with him, Gwen?"

"I still don't understand the use of titles," Merlin began, disregarding everyone else in the room, "I never called you by your title, and I won't start now. I still don't understand why titles are so important. But I'll tell you this: every word I've spoken about standing by your side until the day I die is true. As Emrys, it's my destiny to protect you from harm so that you can become the king to unite the lands of Albion."

Merlin continued, his voice filled with sincerity, which moved the hearts of everyone present. "I may have had a kingdom of my own looking for my return, but there were very few things that could kill me. I wasn't worried about dying anytime soon. It's said in the legends of Emrys that he is immortal, and only a sword forged in a dragon's breath can kill him. As far as I know, there are only two swords forged in a dragon's breath. One is mine, Excalibur. I was given it by my father before the battle that cost me my kingdom."

Arthur, intrigued by this revelation, asked, "Who owns the second sword?"

Merlin replied, "You do."

Surprised by Merlin's trust in him, Arthur questioned, "You gave one of the only things that could kill you to me. Why?"

"Because, Arthur, you are my best friend," Merlin responded. "I came here to hide from my tyrant uncle, but I stayed for you and the knights. I wanted to tell you so much over the years, but I also couldn't bear the thought of him hurting my family. Back home, I had my brother, my baby sister, the love of my life, my friends, and my people to think about. If he found me, all those people would have been heartbroken to learn what happened to me. But that wasn't the only reason. I promised Will that I would stay hidden until they came looking for me. It took them this long because they didn't know I would be in a kingdom that hated magic."

Noah, Merlin's twin, stood and added his voice. "King Arthur, I may have only been here for a few days, but I've seen the trust Merlin has in your knights, sister, queen, and most importantly, in you. Merlin is the kindest soul I've ever known. I'm not saying this as his twin, but as someone who has stood by his side long enough to see it. You wouldn't want to be on his bad side, but those who have his trust are truly blessed. You won't find a more loyal friend."

Tensions remained high in the chamber, emotions swirling like a tempest, as the truth about Merlin's identity and his immense sacrifice unfolded before them.

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