Days leading upto fighting the tyrant

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In both aspects, the knights of Camelot had been training for 2 days. Air and ground. Merlin thought they had been doing a good job and gave them most of the day off other than in the morning. 

Arthur had been awake for an hour now and was wondering what Merlin was doing so he ventured out into the hallway where Merlin's chambers were to only hear someone shout "Put me down, you Buffon!"

"no!" Merlin's voice whines 

Running into his friend's chambers he sees, Percival and the majority of the knights of Deria hanging upside down in the air.

Arthur asks  "What on earth has happened in here?"

"We've been trying to wake merlin up for a meeting for the past 2 hours!" Percival exclaims 

"Someone get Eli!" Issac exclaims 

"Why do you guys need sir Elijah?" Arthur asks confused

"He's the only one that can wake him up in the morning. Even Liliana struggles sometimes," Noah explains from next Arthur laughing at his friends' misery 

"NOAH!" the knights scream 

"ELIJAH!" Noah shouts for the knight

"Yes, Sire?" The knight asks running into the room 

"You know what to do," Noah says pointing at Merlin 

Chuckling at Merlin and his friends, Sir Elijah goes around helping the knights get down from the grip of Merlin's magic before he turns to face the prince. 

Sighing he says before yanking the prince off the bed "You do this every time Clotpole." 

Watching Elijah do that Arthur bursts out laughing while Merlin and his ex-servant go back and forth with insults 

"Shut it Dollophead!" Merlin says to Arthur making him only laugh harder Percival joins in as well

"You got it, idiot,"


"Boys enough," Gwen says coming into the room from hearing the commotion "Hunith, Lady Lilliana and the princess want to see everyone."

"Gwen stop being that formal!" Merlin shouted from behind the changing screen 

"Why?" the queen asks genuinely forgetting what the secret prince had said many times before 

Walking out in his royal attire, and crown Merlin reminds Gwen "How many times have I mentioned all of us hate being called by our titles?"

"I'm sorry Merlin. But why do you not like being called by your title? I mean it is a formality, isn't it? I mean I still sometimes need to remind myself that I'm queen but you've been a royal your entire life," Gwen questions

"Titles are earned here in Deria not given by the status that they are born with. One of the reasons that Elijah was able to become a Knight," Merlin explains "I know everyone will say my siblings, Lilliana and I are worthy of the titles that we have been given and perhaps we did earn them but we are no higher in status than anyone else. Every person in this room is my equal in every form and shape no one is greater than the other, some are just more fortunate than others."

"It has been the way we all have been raised. A nobleman can become a servant and a servant can become a Knight and fight in one of the best armies out there. Merlin here has the most right to his title than any of us do. We have seen him grow and become the man he is today. He lost his kingdom to a man he trusted the most after his immediate family and now he is ready to face him again not being able to see his people in pain any longer," Percival carries on "He is a warrior that every girl and boy look up to and is the epitome of the best kind of leader Deria could ever ask for. Those who lived in king Balinor's regin also agreed that Merlin will be a better leader than his father ever was."

Nodding Noah says "While all of that is true I'm sure Mother must be waiting. So shall we?"

~time skip~

Walking into the council hall Merlin takes his place next to his mother his knights and his most trusted advisors beside him. 

"Mother I believed that you called us," Merlin says after everyone was situated accordingly 

"We have just received some news about your uncle," Hunith replies 

"He's not my uncle!" Merlin growls out 

"Stefano found out that you are still alive and have come back home, Merlin. He's preparing troops. We just received news yesterday night that he attacks in 2 days," Amelia replies 

"Why didn't you tell me this last night?" Merlin questions irritation seeping into his voice 

"You were training the Knights from Camelot!" Liliana argues 

"But this is more important!" Merlin yells 

Those from Camelot shrunk away while those of Deria bowed their heads in apology. 

"We need to come up with the final plan soon, Merlin. we cannot waste our energy on this,"  Percival reminds his prince 

"fine," Merlin says softly 

"Okay, so we know the number of troops that we have assigned and everything we just need to plan a path into the throne room. that's where Stefano will most likely be hiding," Noah adds 

"Since we know troops and everything, this is what I need you guys to do. The knights of the round table, Morgana and Elijah are with me on their dragons before we go into the castle. Lilliana will take one of the Knights in this room and the magic users into the forests to take down their scouts there, before entering the Lowertown. Amelia will have the swordsmen and Women and will take them into the citadel. William will be with her and taking the ground archers from Deria, as well as half of Camelot's archers. Noah, you're taking the dragon riders and the rest of the archers," Merlin says "Gwen, you will be here with Mother helping Uncle Gauis and Luca, our court physician. Lilly after you take out the knights in the lower town I want you to put up a force field near the entrance stopping more of Stefano's troops from coming into the lower town. Gwen, you will get a message from Lilly after the force field is up to come to get the commoners still stuck in the lower town and to make sure they are checked up. Uncle Gaius and Luca will you be able to keep the injured alive as much as you can till Noah, Lilliana and I get back?"

"We'll try but we don't know how many we can keep alive and for how long," Gauis replies 

"Sire, we need you alive. Please come back safely," Luca says 

"I'll try, Luca. When the three of us get back, we will do the healing spell. But can you two try the basic one?" Merlin asks 

The two older men nod. After the meeting finishes, the next 2 days everyone prepares with more vigour than ever. 

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