Merlin regains his kingdom

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"Since we know troops and everything, this is what I need you guys to do. The knights of the round table, Morgana and Elijah are with me on their dragons before we go into the castle. Lilliana will take one of the Knights in this room and the magic users into the forests to take down their scouts there, before entering the Lowertown. Amelia will have the swordsmen and Women and will take them into the citadel. William will be with her and taking the ground archers from Deria, as well as half of Camelot's archers. Noah, you're taking the dragon riders and the rest of the archers," Merlin says "Gwen, you will be here with Mother helping Uncle Gauis and Luca, our court physician. Lilly after you take out the knights in the lower town I want you to put up a force field near the entrance stopping more of Stefano's troops from coming into the lower town. Gwen, you will get a message from Lilly after the force field is up to come to get the commoners still stuck in the lower town and to make sure they are checked up. Uncle Gaius and Luca will you be able to keep the injured alive as much as you can till Noah, Lilliana and I get back?"

"We'll try but we don't know how many we can keep alive and for how long," Gauis replies

"Sire, we need you alive. Please come back safely," Luca says

"I'll try, Luca. When the three of us get back, we will do the healing spell. But can you two try the basic one?" Merlin asks

The two older men nod. After the meeting finishes, the next 2 days everyone prepares with more vigour than ever.


The night before the actual fight, Arthur was walking around the mountains and he stumbles across some hushed discussion. Recognising one of the voices Arthur decides to listen on. 

"Come on Merlin, it's been so long since you actually talked to her. At least talk to her bout anything but the upcoming war. that's all that you've been talking about since you got here. please? for me?" Noah says 

"Noah, please try to understand where I am coming from. Tomorrow is the war, I do not want to give her or anyone else any false hope. I don't even know if I'll make it out tomorrow. As much as I want to talk to her and ask her to marry me it might lead to more heartbreak. I left her for a decade already and I can't go into battle promising her a new life when I know how high the stakes are for losing my life," Merlin says 

"How do you know that you are going to lose your life, Merlin? You are highly skilled in all types of weaponry which you have on you at all times, during battle and may I add that you also have your magic as well as Athusia, Kilgharrah and your most trained knights by your side?" Gauis adds 

"But uncle Gauis-" Merlin begins 

"No buts Merls!" Gauis says with more finality 

"I don't know how much his magic grew! You know that the both of us are Immortal right?!" Merlin questions 

"I do know that Merlin, but you have to keep in mind that he does not have a sword made of dragon's breath. remember that Merlin," Gaius reassures

Walking out from where he was standing Arthur asks "Is everything okay I heard hushed talking while I was walking past?"

"Merlin her-" Noah begins

"Everything's fine Arthur go to Bed. We have a long day tomorrow," Merlin says cutting off his brother 

Arthur nods knowing that he shouldn't push Merlin right now. 

~the next morning~

everyone was up and tense, it was clear as day. Especially the Ambrousis family. No matter what happened they knew that they had, to win if not for them their people who have been deprived of their homes for too long. 

"Merlin?" Arthur asks softly seeing how tense his friend was. 

"yes, clot pole?" Merlin replies tiredly 

"It's going to be fine. we're going to win this war," Arthur reassures 

Not having the energy to fight back Merlin just nods at what Arthur says 

"Merlin, did you get enough sleep?" Percival asks walking up to the duo

"3 hours," Merlin replies solemnly

"Gaius!" Percival calls 

"Yes, Percy?" The physician asks coming over to the three young men 

"Merlin only had 3 hours of sleep could you give him something that will give him more energy for the war?" Percival asks the older man

Nodding Gaius goes off to do as the knight had asked while everyone had a final meeting before going out into the war. 

Merlin leads the dragons and their rider out before giving the order for his army and Camelot to charge and begin the war.

~Time skip because I'm lazy to write the entire fighting scene~

"Ah Merlin, it looks like you have finally found me," a voice rings out from the other end of the throne room "It's good to see my nephew again."

"Your not my Uncle, Stefano. You are anything but it!" Merlin shouts. 

Growling at the words of Merlin, Stefano sends forward his knights, to kill Merlin. 

"You're a coward Stefano. You are making others fight your battles for you. A true king and leader will lead his army and his followers into battle for the right reason," Merin says cutting the heads of the knights in one swift motion not giving it another thought.

Arthur and the others with him look away, not being able to stand the sight. Those of Camelot cower away, seeing a completely new side of Merlin, one that is not frightened to fight and kill for the people and kingdom he loves and cares for. They see their friend, look deadly. His normally bright blue eyes turned stormy like the raging seas and thundering skies. They saw their friend whom they were accustomed to leaving them for the amount of time the war had been going on be replaced by a warrior, by a man who has experienced more pain than them all combined. 

As they watch Merlin leap forward and parry the oncoming blows from his tyrant uncle they see a soldier fighting for the freedom of those he loves. He stands tall, lunging, dodging and attacking all the same. Spells were also flying everywhere making it impossible for any of them to do anything. 

Mordred? a voice sounded in the young druid's head 

Yes, Merlin? he replied

how strong is your magic? Merlin questions fighting the blows of his uncle's sword

Not that strong my lord, Mordred answers

Okay tell Morgana and combine your magic to create a forcefield around yourselves and me while I come and get Arthur's sword. Make sure that none of Stefano's blows gets to him okay? Merlin instructs the youngest knight 

Yes sire the druid answers 

Thank you, the secret prince replies getting closer to where his friends and second family stood 

Soon enough the secret prince had what he needed and lead the man he now considered nothing more than a traitor away from a few of the people he loved and cared about. Getting annoyed at how slowly the dual was going and wanting nothing more than to finish the man he looked at with burning hatred Merlin flicked the sword out of the other man's hands and finished it off winning the battle and finally regaining his kingdom after 10 really long years.

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