meeting the dragons

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As they ride head the knights and Noah make small talk until they hear a small gasp from the mouth of Morgana

"What happened Morgana?" Arthur asks immediately rushing over to his sister's side

"Nothing brother. It's just beautiful," Morgana says

"What is?" the confused Knights of Camelot ask

"The Dragon Mountains," Morgana replies with an Awed expression on her face

"Welcome to Deria. Welcome home Merlin and Percival," Noah says smiling fondly 


The knights of Camelot and the Pendragon family stare at the mountains in awe, seeing that they saw nothing as magnificent as before.

"It's good to be home," Percival speaks up

"It sure is Percy," Merlin pipes up "Men, Morgana, Gwen. I know you guys are used to something completely different back at Camelot, but trust me you will be nothing short of amazed by the architecture inside the mountains. You will love it."

"Come on Merls. I want them to see the Dragon den before they meet Mother, our sister, the future queen and the council that are on our side," Noah says as he trots ahead of the group,

Nodding Merlin takes off in a gallop soon surprising his brother. everyone behind follows immediately not wanting to miss out on seeing actual dragons. Morgana already meeting a dragon was still excited regardless. Soon enough everyone was at the entrance of the mountains. 

"When we enter the stable hands will take our horses, Camelot's horses have been separated from Deria's. Now keep in mind when going to the dragon den to be extremely careful, the dragons are not accustomed to that many visitors, especially from other lands," Noah says carefully

The camelotians nod and Noah opens the gate and everyone was greeted by the stablehands. giving up their horses they started their trek up to the dragon den. 

Upon entering Merlin calls out "Athusia! Are you in here girl?"

"Merlin!" a voice replies sweeping down in front of the older prince. 

"hello Athusia, it's nice seeing you after a decade. Have you been well?" Merlin asks 

"I'm fine Sire. What about yourself?" the young dragon replies 

"I'm good Athusia. But do I have to remind you of my opinion of titles or not?" Merlin asks teasingly 

"Sorry Merlin, it's just even after a decade it's hard to forget some things," the dragon laughs out 

"We grew up together!" Merlin argues 

"Your father Merls! he always wanted us dragons to respect you," Athusia reminded 

"Of course, he did," Merlin grumbles 

"Merlin? Are you not going to introduce us to the dragon?" Mordred asks 

"Sorry guys. This is Athusia. Dad hatched her and Noah's Dragon the day we were born. we grew up together," Merlin says 

"Hello Athusia," Arthur slowly 

"Hello King Arthur, it's nice to finally meet you," the dragon says 

"How do you know of me?" Arthur asks cautiously 

"I know of all of you Arthur," the dragon says 

"How come?" It was Noah's turn to question the dragon 

"I was talking to Kilgharrah the other day," Athusia replied 

"The great dragon?" Morgana asks 

"yes m'lady. The great dragon indeed," 

"I thought the great dragon died!" Leon exclaimed 

"it didn't. I told Kilgharrah to leave when he knocked all of you knights unconscious during your mission to kill him. I couldn't let him die. he was a good friend of Father," Merlin says sadly 

"I understand Merlin," 

"How is Kilgharrah, Athusia? It's been a long while since I've talked to him," Merlin questions 

"He's well Merls. He has mentioned he maybe come to help in the war," Athuisa informs her prince 

"that's good. Thank you for the information Athusia. I shall see you again before the war so we can train," Merlin says walking out of the den the others following behind

As they walked out of the staircase Arthur questions "Noah where will we be staying?" 

"We have arranged some chambers for you all. Princess Morgana has her own and Merlin has his own. Percival will be staying with our closest knights. Of course, Queen Gwen and you have your chambers together. The other knights will have to double up," Noah says 

"Are my chambers the same ones as the ones were when we were younger?" Merlin asks only receiving a nod in response

"If you can could you please lead us to our chambers?" Leon asks 

"Before that Lee, I want to see Merlin's chambers," Arthur says 

"of course," Merlin says leading everyone toward where his chambers were located.

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