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"Honey, I ironed your uniform!"

Mrs. Stein, or so called Frankie Stein Hwang, called for her daughter who is still checking if her luggage is all packed. It was a chaotic morning in the Hwang household, especially since their only daughter, Yeji Stein Hwang, will be leaving her home to pursue her high school studies in Monster High.

Yeji is Franken Stein's daughter... which would definitely mean that she is very strong. She can carry up to 10 tons and gifted with super speed. She also has the ability to shape-shift into an eight-feet monster. In line with that, she is also cursed to be immortal since one of her powers include faster healing.

And one more thing... she can see the red strings in soulmates.

For a wonderful monster like her, there is only one school where she fits in. Monster High is the most prestigious institution for higher studies that caters to monsters. Non-human creatures all over the world paid millions just for their children to study in this school. The admissions are also highly competitive so only the brightest got a slot in Monster High.

"Just a minute, mom!" Yeji yelled back. "Dad is busy hogging my clothes!"

Franken Stein, one of the most notorious and feared monsters, is sobbing while gripping the clothes of his daughter. He cannot fathom that his only child will be living miles away from them. What if they bully Yeji? What if Yeji got homesick? What if Yeji would experience the harsh world outside? Those were the thoughts running on Franken Stein's head.

"Honey, will you stop being dramatic?!" Mrs. Stein scolded her husband, her hands on her waist. The father pouted as he saw the furrowed brows of his lovely wife. "Yeji is going to be late!"

"I"m... not... dramatic." He muttered between sobs, making the two women in front of him look at each other. "It does not hurt... that... our Yeji... will be leaving us."

"Aww, dad!" Yeji cooed and chuckled at her crying father. She went near him and wrapped her arms around Franken Stein. "I won't be gone forever! Plus, we have a sem break!"

"Don't hesitate to transform into your gigantic figure if they pick on you." Mr. Stein ordered, making Yeji chuckle again and nod. The man always adored his daughter, so much more than the world. His life before was horrible... but he loved his life now. The two women before him made his dark life filled with so much light and colors.

"Honey!" Mrs. Stein hissed. "Anyways, love, do not always resort to violence, okay? You can report those bullies to the office of the school."

"We will miss you..." Franken Stein caressed his daughter's hair, all three were tearing up. "Have fun there, love, okay? Dad will be supporting you... from right here."

"Why are we so dramatic?" Yeji let out a small laugh as she wiped her tears. Then after, she hugged both of her parents. "I will miss the both of you. Always remember, never go to sleep on a fight."

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