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"I think we should do our last practice today so we can rest tomorrow."

Soobin said as he entered the room. Today was another day of practicing for our production number. I could say that we have already mastered it. Ryujin, Beomgyu, and Chaeryeong even gave us enough pointers to improve our moves.

"Sure," I nodded as I tied my hair into a ponytail, preparing to practice. I was wearing a black crop top and white jogging pants. And weirdly, Soobin was wearing a black shirt and white jogging pants too. "Have you studied for the Q&A portion?"

The both of us were oddly matching each other's outfit these days.

Soobin and I actually practiced our answers the other day, but we were still nervous. The organizers did not give us the question beforehand, so no matter how much we practiced, we shouldn't be complacent since we would not know about the question unless we saw it.

"I think I'll handle it," he answered as he wore his knee pads. Our choreography required a lot of footwork, especially for Soobin. But fortunately, Soobin was a fast learner! "I watched beauty pageant videos last night. How about you?"

"Yuna asked me questions," I said as I remembered how Yuna and I practiced last night. She even took suggestions from the girls and the boys about the questions. "We collected pageant questions from the internet and the group."

"Ah... that was why the boys were writing something yesterday," Soobin chuckled as he scratched his head. "I wanted to take a peek, but they said that it was a secret. Damn, I really thought they were making an evil plan."

"I mean... knowing Beomgyu and Kai..." I said as we both burst into a peal of laughter. Beomgyu and Kai were the ones most likely who would even think of such a thing! "They would surely do that."

"They worry me sometimes," Soobin said as I scoffed. Among the five of them, Soobin was just as chaotic. The only normal one here was... none. They were all loud and couldn't stay in one place. "Why?!"

"You talk as if you're normal, bunny," I chuckled, and I watched him pout. I looked away when I felt my cheeks turning red. For some reason, I was finding it adorable and cute?! I also tried to calm my beating heart too.

To keep my composure, I just continued preparing everything I need before the practice. I even applied baby powder on my neck to keep my sweat from causing odor. I should always smell like a baby, which I totally am.

After we were done preparing, Soobin and I went to our positions and started practicing. All of our practices were so good, even before this day! Although I was deeply wondering about one thing — Soobin.

For some reason, he turned red with the ending part of the song.

At first, I thought he was just tired. I even thought that he was sick! But he just seemed fine after that. Not going to lie, it got me kind of worried. I might as well just ask Soobin about that later if he was still red.

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