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tw // mention of death (dw no one will die in this chapter
just have to mention jaemin's death)



Only Ryujin's sobs were heard throughout the whole campus. It was then that Jeno rushed towards his boyfriend. Now, two monsters were mourning over the loss of the monster.

Beomgyu was quick to run to his girlfriend, offering his arms to embrace. The girl mindlessly squished into his hug while crying her heart out.

How could such a world be cruel to Ryujin? She lost her twin before... And now, her older brother? She could not help but to think she was the unlucky one.

That anyone near her would be hurt.

"W-why?" Her voice cracked. Beomgyu could not do anything but to console her, caressing her back in the process. "Why Jaemin?"

Ryujin was gripping onto Jaemin tightly... As if that would suffice to get him back to life. If there were broken-hearted people, hers were ripped to pieces.

"That should be me!" Anger and vain took the best of Ryujin. She was shouting words she could not comprehend. Her mind was reaching wonders.

"I love you...." That was the only thing Beomgyu could say — not that it would do anything to appease her pain. However, the ice prince did not mind. He repeatedly showered her with love.

Beomgyu stopped when Ryujin shoved him away — slipping up her demon figure after.

"D-don't come near me." Oh, the demon was so afraid. She wouldn't want the man she loved most to die too, even if it meant distancing herself. "You'll get hurt."

"Ryujin." Beomgyu stood up and bravely walked towards the woman with long thorns. "You won't hurt me."

Even though Beomgyu tried to keep a straight face and brave soul, his heart was clenching at every tear Ryujin dropped. He hated seeing her in pain.

The girl's knees weakened, making her drop to the ground. Each tear she dropped ended up being burnt by her fire.

Imagine being the fire elemental and raging with anger. Now, that is a dangerous combination.

Ryujin's mind was clouded with thoughts — violent thoughts. Her eyes harshly wandered around... Trying to see who was the culprit.

The once innocent Ryujin was now swallowed with madness. Once was enough... But two was too much. She learned her mistake before, but why did she have to suffer until now?

"Your powers won't work with me," her boyfriend whispered in her ear. "I'm not leaving you."

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