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The group was panicking.

Tomorrow was already Lia's birthday, and the group was still searching for the things and foods they needed for the celebration. Soobin and Yeji, who initiated to lead the event, were much more frantic than the others.

Yeji insisted that the group finds a beach where there is little to no sun, just so Soobin could come with them, not knowing that the boy has a separate surprise for Lia. After all, he always comes prepared.

Although, since meeting Lia, Soobin always felt vulnerable. Before, he could dodge everything, but now, he just caught himself red-handed and always entranced by the female. Indeed, Cleopatra's daughters would have all the men lined up before her.

But back to their love lives, many stuff happened, which shows a much bigger comparison than before. There were those who transformed for the best... and those who kind of worsened. Still, the ten of them were great friends.

Yeji still tutored Yeonjun every after class, sometimes Chaeryeong and Yuna had to go to the library to give them privacy. To be honest, Yeji thought that the boy would be a handful to teach. But seeing Yeji's soulmate during their sessions, she was shocked to know that Yeonjun is actually serious about studying. 

She just hoped that the hybrid would not hear her beating heart whenever they were with each other, not knowing that Yeonjun was wishing for the same.

Soobin and Lia... were instant best friends since they got close; they became magnets to each other. Of course, vampires still talked about them, but neither of them could not care less. After all, why would the untouchable Soobin be affected by mere words? 

Although, for some reason, Soobin would feel nervous when he is around Lia... and that was the charm of it. Even the coldest of vampires would falter in front of Cleopatra's daughter.

Beomgyu and Ryujin, the chaotic and complicated duo, were becoming more complex. Before, the two would be inseparable — even to the point that others thought that the girl and Yeonjun fought since Beomgyu was always beside her. 

Now, they are rarely seen together. But after all, how can Ryujin maintain herself in Beomgyu's life when he would always choose to go to Winter?

Taehyun was still giving Chaeryeong hair ties, especially since the girl did not mind him doing so anymore. Before they became civil, a day would not go on without them fighting or bickering. Now, the group was even shocked to see Chaeryeong flash a smile at Taehyun. 

Although, the white witch was wondering why the spirit of the sea seemed out of himself these days, which started from the day he entered spells and curses class.

For the youngest couple, Yuna and Kai... well, the girl still had a massive crush on him, though the girls were not aware of it. Kai, who was oblivious to both his and her feelings, still saw her as a friend... or was he just THAT clueless? 

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