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"Second week of class, and you're already in detention?"

I rolled my eyes as I saw my witch friend, Wonyoung, on the way to the detention room. She laughed and shook her head, making me furrow my brows at her, but she was still laughing. I noticed Taehyun's presence behind me, but I could not care less.

"Lucky for me, I'm an expert in escaping these things," I whispered, determined to escape detention, unlike my carefulness to not break school rules. I just wanted to eat the fucking dinner, but instead, I'm in detention!

"Of course you are," she commented before walking away, tapping me in the back. I took a deep breath before making my way to the detention room. I was this close to ripping the detention slip in my hands.

Once we got there, we presented our papers to the staff as she led us inside. The detention room was nothing special... it was just a classroom with a machine keeping us from using our powers. I plopped a seat at the chair beside the window while Taehyun sat far from me. Good.

"Can this day get any worse?" I whispered to myself as I leaned back on the chair. This damn Taehyun and I were inside the detention room alone, and the staff said we could get out after two hours. I was sure that the girls would wait for me.

Because I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of here.

An hour had passed already as I could only stare outside the window. I did not want to talk... especially with Taehyun right here. The atmosphere became more awkward since I could see him stealing glances at me.

The dress of boredom was pulling over me as I looked around for something to do. Just an hour... and I could do anything I wanted here. I stared at the chair and then to a window as my insane mind plotted something in my head.

"You want to break the window?" Taehyun asked as he suddenly appeared beside me. I did not answer and just continued contemplating with the angel and devil in my mind. "You'll be suspended if you break school property."

"Why do you care?" I hissed as I touched the wall, trying to feel if it was smash-proof. I cursed under my breath when I could not find out why. Should I just smack this chair on Taehyun's head instead?

I was just kidding.

"It's your fault why we're in here, anyway." He replied, which made me click my tongue. Redness was filling my emotions as I could only ball my hands into a fist, preventing myself from punching anything near me — which in my case, was a wall.

"I was answering Miss Jihyo's question, asshole." I rolled my eyes just to hear this water man's scoff. I do not have any powers now, but I would gladly fight this one. I turned around to see Taehyun looking at me.

"Did answering her question means you could tell me that I'd choose to hurt someone in a heartbeat?" He raised a brow at me as I could already feel the melting pot of rage inside of me pour out.

"Tell me, where is the lie there, Taehyun?" I asked him as I charged to him. He was quick to stand up and stare me down. If the others were here, they could already feel the insane tension because I was not backing down.

"You never changed," Taehyun said, and with that, I smirked at him. I knew his tricks... And, I won't fucking fall for it. "You're still afraid of the truth. That's why you never let people explain to you."

Taehyun does not understand how I feel... He had many chances to find me. He even got a fucking choice to say goodbye to me. Before the day he ghosted me, we were together then, enjoying our lives happily. So, what the fuck was he justifying?

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