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"The fuck?"

A series of whispers were heard here and there. The room was pitch black, but the group knew that every one among them was there. They could hear at least ten shackles being nudged.

"Where's Yeji? Yeji!" A particular hybrid was seen panicking. Yeonjun was terrified of losing his girlfriend. "Why can't I fucking use my powers?!"

Fear dressed their hearts when the ten of them realized that they were neutralized, and none of them could even do anything to get out of this hellhole.

"I-I'm here," someone whispered over the corner. Yeji's wrists were almost shaded red due to how much she struggled to yank free from the chains binding her hands.

"Where are we?" Kai weakly asked. The neutralizing air in the room rendered his snakes breathless... and that included Kai. He would be lifeless within minutes.

"Kai! Kai!" Yuna knew that Kai would be vulnerable in this state — not knowing the latter was already turning blue. "I can't use my powers!"

But among them, one didn't mind the situation they were in now. His mind was clouded with such thoughts. Like... What was really happening in Monster High?

"Chaeryeong," Soobin called. As if Chaeryeong would see the vampire amidst the darkness, her head jolted up. "What is really happening here?"

Lia remained silent — she was aware that her parents really had something to do with what was happening to them. But to think that someone died because of it, then she sensed real danger.

Chaeryeong wanted to get help from Taehyun. However, she didn't know where the heck he was. The darkness was enough to render them blind in this situation.

On the other hand, Ryujin had to smile bitterly at that. She played with her shackles to overshadow the agony consuming her. It was enough for her to know the real cause of her brother's death.

The white witch took a deep breath. It was now time to tell them the truth.

"Jaemin's death is not an accident," she started. "He was a former student of Human Warfare... and he was the only one who survived."

"Since the start, the ten of us... was always meant to be in Human Warfare." Gasps were heard. "To kill humans."

"Those... Who didn't want to...." Chaeryeong's voice cracked. "Were killed."

Beomgyu had to close his eyes with what she said. He was aware that he wasn't the only one who had a question pop into their head.

Did Jaemin kill a human?

"One more thing...." She added. "Monster High lied to us. Ms. Jennie and Mr. Taehyung was the first monster-human interaction. Miss Jihyo..."

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