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"Is this it?"

I asked Ryujin who was looking at the school map. It has been thirty minutes since we were searching for this room. Not gonna lie, I was already exhausted. Good thing, we were not late.

"Something with a... a human heart on the door knob." She answered, her eyes fixated on the paper she is holding. I looked at the door knob in front of us and wondered what the heck is that. It looked like rubbish.

"This one looks like human poop." I said as she looked at the door knob. I immediately furrowed my brows when Ryujin rolled the map and hit me on the head with it! "What's your problem, Shin?!"

Why is this girl so brutal?!

"I can't believe Monster High let you in here!" Ryujin hissed and walked past me, entering the room. I looked at the doorknob and stared at it for a moment... so that is a human heart.

"Wonder where you saw a human poop." My eyes quickly darted to the beautiful brown-haired girl I saw yesterday. She stood out to me because of her pink highlights and cat eyes. She looked cool and at the same time, elegant. I think the name 'cat' suits her best.

Cat laughed at me for a moment before entering the room.

But then, I looked like a fool... again.

"For the record..." I tried to save face by walking beside her. She also was with a blonde-haired girl and a red-haired one. "I haven't seen one."

"So defensive." She chuckled and sat on a vacant seat with her friends.

Wait... for the fucking best time I need my pickup lines, I don't have one now!

"Choi Yeonjun..." I lend a hand for them to shake. Her friends shook it as I waited for this one specific girl to make a move. Come on...

"But you..." I looked at her. "You can call me anytime."

"Until when will you embarrass me?" I heard Ryujin say as she closed her eyes. Damn, why can't my best friend just support me here?! Am I embarrassing? Am I humiliating? Am I ugly?

Of course, not.

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