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That was the description of Beomgyu and Winter's relationship. The ice prince finally mustered up the courage to hang out with her, hoping the girl could notice his feelings. Of course, Winter enjoyed his company. I mean... who wouldn't be?

Beomgyu would always dash straight out after dismissal to head to the ice headquarters for the past few days. His friends were not oblivious to the fact that he was acting differently over the days that passed.

Ryujin was great to give him advice on approaching Winter. But, Beomgyu was still struggling to show his motives, relying on everything to fate. Especially since Winter treated him as a friend... who knows, it might be more than that?

"Hey, Beom!" Winter called as she handed an earphone to Beomgyu. "Listen to this!"

Message in a bottle. Beomgyu was quick to remember that Ryujin was the one who recommended him that. He recalled that he enjoyed every single one of the songs she suggested. It was as if their music tastes were always in sync.

When Beomgyu and Ryujin were hanging out before, the girl told him that she would want to use that song to confess to him if ever she liked someone. Beomgyu was even shocked that his friend was THAT romantic.

But why was he thinking about Ryujin when his crush was just beside him?

"It's great, right?" The ice prince's thoughts were snapped when he heard Winter's voice. He had to clear his throat and flash a smile at the girl after. "I'm not really a fan of Taylor Swift, but I love this song."

And there goes Beomgyu's mind, who was on its way to think about Ryujin again. He swore that Ryujin was the ultimate Swiftie he ever met in his life. She even begged before her father to go to the human world so that she could go to Taylor's concert.

Beomgyu had to chuckle at that.

"Come on!" Winter chuckled and lightly hit Beomgyu's arm. "It's just a song! Why are you smiling?"

Beomgyu was feeling weird. Since earlier, when Winter was telling him stories, his mind would automatically relate them to Ryujin. He was sure that he only saw the fire elemental as a friend, but why did it sound so wrong?

"It's the best song to confess," he said as he closed his eyes to feel the song even more. The two elementals were lying in the grass on the school garden with the sun just above them. That was the best place to listen to a Taylor Swift song.

Who taught Beomgyu that? Shin Ryujin.

"Do you want to confess to someone?" Winter asked, which made Beomgyu's eyes shoot up. The girl immediately noticed the nervousness oozing from the boy beside her. "Got you, Choi Beomgyu!"

How could Beomgyu possibly tell Winter that he wanted to dedicate that song to her? For some reason, he did not want to. He felt that that song belonged to Ryujin, and that was her own idea of confessing.

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