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I can't take this anymore, now she's complimenting him? She never complimented me.

I gave a death glare to suho which didn't go unnoticed by Y/N and her friends. Then Jisoo says something.

Jisoo: lemme serve some snacks to y'all
Lisa and Jennie: we're also coming
Y/N: me too
Suho: ig I'll come too then
Yuna: then why should I sit here? *While laughing*
They all laugh and go to serve some snacks with jisoo unnie leaving rosè and tae alone. Rosè decided not to go which I don't know why of course.

Rosè: Mr Kim can we talk?
Tae: why? *Coldly*
Rosè: how's your relationship with Y/N-shii?
Tae: okay
Rosè: what does okay mean? Do you both even talk??
Tae: you should ask Y/N instead.
Rosè: well idk if you guys talk or not or how is your relation but I did see you burning when suho complimented Y/N.
Tae: if you think I am jealous then that's not true
Rosè: I just wanna say that there is nothing between them so don't worry and stop ignoring her.
Tae: she knows that I was ignoring her??
Rosè: of course she does
Tae: I thought she didn't even care about it at all. She still didn't stop talking to that Suho.
Rosè: oppa ah I mean Mr Kim
Tae: you can call me oppa when we're not at school.
Rosè: ok so oppa Suho is Jisoo unnie's cousin that's why he's here and Y/N and Suho are just friends. Nothing else, maybe Suho acts like that with her because he doesn't know about you and her. Ig Jisoo unnie will tell him now and he'll stop all of this but trust me they're just friends. Don't think anything wrong and stop being mad at her for this. She actually did notice your behavior and didn't like it.

Tae: fine.
Rosè: good now I'mma go join them too. If you're bored I can send Y/N here?
Tae: no that's okay
Rosè: sure?
I nodded as smiled and walked towards the kitchen too.

*Then all of them enjoyed the party and left around 11:30 pm. Tomorrow was Sunday so there wasn't any stress for school*

*At home*

I was thinking about what rosè said and now I feel better knowing that she doesn't like Suho. As soon as we reached home she went upstairs, took a shower and came out looking beautiful with her hair wet.

Y/N: you can go shower now.
I nodded and went in.

*15 minutes later*

I came out and saw her sleeping peacefully, she looked very cute since tomorrow is Sunday why don't we spend it together?? We haven't spent much time together anyways. I guess I'll take her out tomorrow. Then I layed beside her and slept.

*In the morning*

I woke up and saw no one beside me but then I heard a sound from the bathroom indicating that she said is inside. I rubbed my eyes and then the door opened revealing Y/N.

Y/N: you're up? Gm
Tae: yeah, good morning to you too
Y/N: go and shower?
Tae: yeah I'll come quickly and then make breakfast for both of us.
Y/N: no need I'll make breakfast today.
Tae: do you know how to?
Y/N: no but internet
Tae: are you sure about this?
Y/N: yahh are you underestimating me?
Tae: okk

Then I took a quick shower, went downstairs and saw her trying her best to cook but she was definitely failing at it so I smiled at her.

Y/N: I didn't know you also smile
Tae: ofc I do and you've seen me smiling before too.
Y/N: But you smile after so long.
Tae: how is the cooking going?
Y/N: I successfully burnt two pancakes but the third one seems to be going good.
I chuckled and said: do you want me to help? Or else we will only get to eat dinner at night and I'm not sure about that either.
Y/N: yahh stop ok fine

She stomped her feet and left the kitchen. I chuckled at her. I said "help" but now I ended up doing it all on my own. This kid.

Tae: Y/N breakfast is ready
Y/N: yay I'm super hungry
Then we both started to eat silently but then I decided to break the silence.

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