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" Reunited. "

.• "ROSE! WHERE ARE YOU? ROSE, DID YOU MAKE IT?" The man's voice echoed through the tunnel as Rose and Mara stood at the other side of the door. They didn't make it. Rose didn't make it. Mara wanted to punch the door, they were going to die of a Dalek because of this man, if we would've held the door a few more minutes, they'd be though.

"Sorry. We were a bit slow." Rose closed her eyes as she spoke into the phone, she sniffled as she looked behind her where the Dalek had just rolled around the corner. She turned back around. "See you, then, Doctor. It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault. And d'you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I just wish you would've met Mara." Mara looked up at the mention of one word, 'Doctor'.

"Did you just say 'Doctor'?" Mara whispered loud enough for Rose to hear, Rose nodded her head. "As in The Doctor, Gallifrey Time Lord Doctor?" Rose nodded again before gasping and looking back at the phone. Mara placed a hand over her mouth as her eyes started to water. "I'm going to die again and can't even say bye to my best friend, my stupid, stupid best friend!"

"Exterminate!" The Dalek screamed as it shot a laser. Mara closed her eyes as she gave Rose a hug of goodbye, but they both opened their eyes as they saw the Dalek completely missed. It was just staring at them.

"Go on then, kill us." Rose turned towards the pepper pot who didn't reply. "Why are you doing this?!"

"I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose." It's true. That's what a Dalek is supposed to do, they're were born to kill, genetically designed to feel only hatred. But this one seemed... different. "They're all dead because of you!" Rose screamed at it. "They are dead because of us!"

Rose took in deep breaths as Mara looked towards the Dalek. "Now what? What are you waiting for? Kill me, not Rose. Why not kill one of your worst enemies?" Mara's voice cracked as she removed the hood from her head and let her wings finally be free. "You killed me once, why not again?"

"The Astronomer?!" The Dalek's voice echoed through her ears as flash backs of the Time War entered her brain. "I feel... your fear." What?

"What d'you expect?" Rose spat as Mara stood in front her, protecting her with her wings and body. She mustn't get hurt, not at all.

"Dalek's do not dear. Must not fear!" The Dalek shot twice again, missing again. "You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated!" It turned towards a camera making Mara and Rose go beside it. "Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler and The Astronomer die."

"You're alive! You're both alive!" The Doctor shouted with happiness on the other side of the camera.

"Can't get rid of us." Rose took in deep breaths as Mara wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders while asking if she was all right.

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