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" 500. "

.• SUKI WAS NOW ON FLOOR 500, OR SHE WAS ON HER WAY THERE. And the group had just learned they would never see her again and there's no going back. The four, Rose, The Doctor, Mara and Cathica, (Adam had left to go somewhere, they had no clue where) they were all back in the room where Cathica's brain door opened. "They only give us twenty minute maintenance, can't you give it a rest?"

"But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down?" The Doctor asked while Mara slid herself onto the dentist-like chair in the room. The Doctor shook his head at her with a smile as she looked all around it.

"I went to floor 16 when I first arrived, that's medical, that's where I got my head done and then I.. I came straight here. SatelliteFive. You work, eat and sleep on the same floor, that's it." Cathica stood up from her crouched position, looking at the three. "You're not management, are you?"

Mara gasped putting her hands on her hearts, almost proud. "She's clever!"

"Whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything." Cathica almost walked away when the Doctor started to ask questions as he leaned on the back of the chair Mara was in. "Don't you even ask?" "Why would I?"

"You're a journalist! Why's all the crew human?" He asked, looking down at Mara who looked up at him with a smile.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Cathica asked confused.

"There no aliens on board. Why?"

"I dunno, no real reason. They're not banned or anything."

"Then where are they?" The three all looked at Cathica, all waiting for the answer.

"I suppose immigration's tightened up... It's had to, with all the threats."Cathica explained only to receive more questions from the Doctor.

"What threats?"

"I dunno, all of them. Usual stuff. The prices of space warp doubled, so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Fice Collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, y'see? Just- lots of little reasons, that's all." She began to walk around again, writing.

"Adding up to one great big fact. And you didn't even notice." The Doctor told her.

"Doctor, I think if there was any sort of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything." Mara shook her head at that, pushing her self up slightly.

"Yet, you can't see what's right in front of you. It's the wrong shape, same with the technology." She explained before looking at the Doctor. "That's right, right?" He nodded.

"Its cutting edge!"

"It's backwards! There's a great big door in your head!" The Doctor shouted. "Should've chucked this out years ago!" Rose looked at him, her arms crossed.

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