chapter 6

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   You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me


A Hospital. A place where people go when they are sick or injured. A place where people work when they want to 'help' someone overcome 'said' injuries. A hospital. A last resort to rescue life that's about to end.

The last place Adelaide ever wanted to be.
The only place that would be able to help her, the way she needed it.
The Emergency Room.
A hospital's ER. Immediate care needed. Immediate response needed. That is where Adelaide ended up.

"Female. Approximately 18 years old. GSW to the abdomen and chest. Both entry and exit wounds were found! Patient is unresponsive! Get her up for emergency surgery!"

Adelaide was bleeding out from two separate gunshots that her mother fired at her. Having run out of her apartment block without an ID or phone. The doctors did not know who she was or who they could call. So they did what they thought was best. Giving her the emergency care that she needed and figuring out later who she actually was.
After a strenuous surgery and a lot of extra blood bags, She was now in the ICU.

Intensive Care Unit.

A ventilator was breathing for her at the moment, until the doctors could establish that Adelaide could breathe on her own.
It was not long after Adelaide had escaped that Jason heard voices from outside the apartment.

He knew they had to get out before police were called. Candace had actually used the gun. The gunshots were loud enough to echo through the apartment.
"Babe! We gotta go. Cops are being called!" Jason told her in a hurry.

"She's dying right? She is about to die right?! Jason, tell me that she is dead?!!" Candace was spiraling. She wanted no she needed, Adelaide dead. That way she could bury the body and her father would no longer come looking for his child, but would come looking for her. Take her back. All she needed was Adelaide gone and everything would be back to how it used to be right? It was Adelaide's fault all along... Right?

The mind process of Candace was running so hard on drugs that it started to wipe parts of her memory. She no longer thought of any other child. She had no other children. It was only her former husband and Adelaide. Those were the only two family members her mind focused on and with that she forgot about everyone else.

And it was Adelaide's fault that he divorced her. Now that Adelaide was gone, he would take her back.

Jason did not react to Candace, but merely proceeded to drag her across the apartment to the front door and out via the back exit of the building. Not knowing that the hallways had cameras recording every entry and exit point. Cameras that Adelaide herself installed, for her own safety when she had just moved in.

Candace and Jason were not gone for more than 3 minutes when the police arrived. Hearing the story from the woman on the phone, who lived below Adelaide, she proceeded to tell the officers exactly what woke her up. Adelaide or Aurora as far as she knew, was a quiet young lady that never made too much noise. Unless it was a party that she would always be notified off early on.

The fact that she woke up by one loud bang and then shortly afterwards heard another scared her immensely. This was a very safe neighbourhood. This was supposed to be a very safe apartment complex.

Officers went up to Adelaide's floor. They were able to open the front door as it was heavenly tempered with and entered. Slowly going from room to room they had concluded the apartment was empty.

One of the officers was inspecting the bedroom. The lights were turned on and you could see broken objects, tossed blankets and a baseball bat that laid on the side of the room. But that was not what interested the police officer a lot.

It was more the heavy computerised equipment, behind the curtain in Adelaide's room, that showed the camera footage of every place in the entire building. But also camera footage of the fire escape. And the officer could immediately see what had gone down. A male and female broke into the apartment and not ten minutes later he sees a girl trying to escape the apartment from her window. Seeing two light flashes before she jumped the distance to the fire escape, he knew she was shot and most likely heavily injured.

Inspecting the windowsill he could indeed see droplets of blood splattered around. Moving back to the living room where the detective had arrived he informed the crew of his findings. Making the detective immediately call ER's in the neighbourhood if they had indeed treated a teenage girl of gunshot wounds.

And there was one.

St. Rosemary's Hospital.

The officers were still searching the next day for viable prints and talking to neighbours who may or may not have heard what transpired the night before.

When Rebecca and Aubrey came home. They were immediately questioned if they knew the girl that lived in apartment 44.

"Of course I know Aurora Wilson. She's like family and best friends with my daughter. She lives next to us. Why? What happened? Did something happen, officer?" Rebecca questioned the officer. She had a bad feeling about this. A very bad one.

"Can't tell you anything Ma'am if you were not here."
"What do you mean can't tell me! She is basically a second daughter to me!"
"Rebecca, Aubrey, you're back! Finally!" Mrs Plum exclaimed.
"Yes Riva what happened. I heard something about our Rory?"
"The police didn't tell you? You're basically her family!" Mrs Plum Exclaimed furiated.
"Aurora is in the hospital! Someone broke in last night and apparently shot her. She was able to escape and run away to get treated."

Rebecca and Aubrey were both frozen. Shocked from what they've just heard. They should've taken her with them. They should've never left her alone. Tears were streaming down Aubrey's face when she turned around to the officer.

"My sister made it out right? She is okay right?" She asked shakenly.
"She is being treated in the hospital as we speak." replied the officer.

"Elle a cctv." Rebecca murmured. "Dans tout l'immeuble et dans l'appartement" she practically screamed at the officer. "Merde! Qui ferait ça?" "Je ne sais pas, maman. Allons-y. Elle a besoin de nous." Aubrey said softly to her mother. Making sure her mother sat in the passenger seat as she was in no condition to drive, Aubrey turned to the officer one more time.

"Sir. I don't know if this helps, but Aurora had installed CCTV all over the building. In the hallways, the back staircase, the fire escape and even a few hidden in her own home. I hope you find who did this to her. If you need anything from us, we're going to the hospital to see her. It may not look like it, but she is family to us. So if there is any news, we would like to hear it as well. Thank you for the cooperation."

Aubrey sat in the driver's seat and raced immediately to St Rosemary's, hoping this was all just a sick joke and that Aurora was safe and pranking them in the worst way possible. 

Little side note. Yes, some text may have french in it, but please keep in mind the last time I had an actual conversation with a french person is about two years ago and the last time I had actually written French grammarly correct has been much longer. So if there are any french grammar buddies out there please help me correct it, Thank you!!

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Till next time,


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