chapter 15.75

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Rora came home. His Rora. But she was no longer his Rora.
The girl that took over was a fake. An imposter.
She had become an imposter when she was little.
Or had the one he loved been a fake all along?
She never showed Noah that she lacked anything. She was always happy around him and smiling.
Was that 'the' fake?
Was the person that he loved so much really responsible for all the terror that was in the house between the twins?

Adaline always cried to her brothers that Adelaide didn't want to play with her. His Rora never said that to be true or not. But Noah could see. His Rora never played with Adaline. His Rora stayed away from her sister and it made Adaline even more sad.
But her true face showed when Noah didn't have time to spend with Adelaide, He was studying for exams.
Adelaide showed her true face when she retaliated.

Adelaide broke his laptop, which housed all of his exam projects he was working on. He had to redo everything.
His Rora was no more. His Rora became Adelaide to him and he no longer wanted her around him.
Noah no longer cared that she cried for his attention. He thought that if he stopped, she would go back to being his Rora. She would play with her sister again and everything would go back to normal.

But Noah was too optimistic. Because Adelaide retaliated to his ignorance.
She hurt Adaline in a way no one ever should. In a way Noah never thought possible.
His Rora no longer existed.
In her place came a monster.
A demon.
So he helped his father get this 'demon' out of their lives.
And for years, she was gone.
But now she is back.
And he didn't know how to react to her.
So he did as if she was an employee.
With a cold, hard face.

He would never care for this demon again.

You're gonna regret doing that Noah...You've been warned..
Anyways, Till next time.

Love, Sarah

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