Chapter 27.75

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It was quiet at the DiMartino mansion on the night before the girl's birthday. Most were already asleep. Except for Noah and Ezekiel, still working or underway home.
It was so quiet that no one could hear it. The soft patter of light feet going from a room through the hall. The feet patted fast but silently over the hardwood floor, going down the stairs. No one could hear the feet slab against the marble tiles on the ground floor. Running. But where?
All that she knew was that she had to run. She had to hide.
'Till dawn. If I could just make it till dawn. They will leave me alone. Hide.'
The boxes should give me enough space to hide. 'Hide behind it, hide under it. And be quiet. Make no sound.'
She heard the creaking noises of the old floor giving way under their heavy boots.
'They are looking for her. It is going down the hallway. Hide.'
Adelaide put her hand over her mouth to limit the noise she made.
'They won't find me here. How long before dawn?' Adelaide looked towards the one small window in the attic. All she could see was faint moonlight and a few stars lighting the world.
'Only till dawn...'

"Lainy? What are you doing?"
"Teddy, what are you doing here?" She whispered while looking behind the box for anyone.
She immediately grabbed him and held him in her lap, placing one of her hands on his mouth.
How did he come here? Did mother bring him here?
The waking noises became louder and louder. She sshht Theodore. They couldn't find them now. What would they do if they found him? Would she have to protect him differently? Did they bring him here so Mother had a new canvas to paint on? NO! They wouldn't have him! I would protect him!
"Why are we sitting here?"
"Be quiet Teddy! They will hear you! We can't let them find us!"
"Let who find us? Lainy you're scaring me..."
"I'm sorry Teddy. I'm sorry she took you. It's all my fault! I'm so sorry, Teddy."

"Where are you sweetheart? Come out, come out, wherever you are..." She heard Uncle Tommy's voice taunting her. Don't move, don't make a sound.
"I'll be right back, Lainy. I'll save you!"
"No! Teddy get back here! He'll find you! He's looking for us!"
"Check in there. She's hiding somewhere in this house!"
Adelaide started shaking in fear. Tears flowed down her face. She looked around and Theodore was no longer to be found.
'Run Teddy! Please run away from this place.'
"Come out sweetheart... Let's play a game...The touch game is fun!..." was said with a sickening laugh.
The footsteps were getting louder and louder. The boots on the old floor were echoing through the entire house. 'They are getting closer.' Adelaide tried to make herself as small as she could. The tears would no longer stop flowing down her cheeks. Adelaide was scared beyond reason. This was it. She wouldn't make it past dawn. She looked up towards the small window again, yet the only thing she still saw was the moon taunting her with its small glow.
"Lainy. I brought help. Noah is here."
Teddy was back. I immediately grabbed him. Noah? Noah was here? No, he wasn't here. Papa said they wouldn't come here. She wasn't allowed back home.
"Nono isn't coming, Teddy. Nono and papa aren't coming. They won't take us away. They want me to stay here, to learn my lesson. Nono isn't coming. Shhht we have to be quiet. They are still searching for us. They can't find us, we just have to wait for dawn."
Adelaide felt hands grab her and she screamed.
"GET AWAY!!!! Papa Salvami..." Adelaide sobbed and choked out.
Lainy it's me..." Uncle Tommy called out. Why did he call her that? He never called her that...
Oh no, what if he did something to my brothers?
"He's here Teddy!" Adelaide held Theodore closer so he couldn't take Theodore away. Adelaide started silently crying more. Thinking something happened to her family because of her.
"Teddy, you have to run! Before they find you! It won't be funny when mommy sees you. She will hurt you Teddy! You have to run!"
"Lainy? Where are you?"
"We're in the attic."
"I'm hiding us."
"From who?"
"Uncle Tommy and his friends. They can't find us. He'll hurt us."
"Lainy, How old are you?"
"I'm Ten, Teddy."
"Sshht Wait till dawn, just till dawn..."

Theodore had woken up needing the bathroom when he saw Adelaide sprinting down the stairs. Finding it odd he proceeded to go after her, only to find her sitting behind the breakfast bar in the kitchen. She was trying to get into the cupboard underneath the kitchen sink.

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