chapter 10.75

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Ricardo DiMartino was in the office with his son Noah, and his son's second in command, Marquel, discussing business, when his phone went off.

As he did not recognise the number, he put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear what was being said.


"Hello, Mister DiMartino. My name is Danielle Vasquez with Social Services. I'm calling you from our branch in Miami regarding the guardianship of your daughter, Adelaide."

"Why are you calling from Miami? Shouldn't you be calling from Seattle?"

"Your daughter lives in Miami sir, did you not know this?"

"No. I did not. My ex-wife Candace had no permission to move without notifying me!" Ricardo was getting angry. That woman moved, with his daughter, without telling him. That was not in the agreement they made.

"I don't wish to go around the bush, so I am just going to inform you. Candace has pending charges against her name and has been incarcerated. That means that your daughter is without a legal guardian. My question to you sir, would you like to take over guardianship of Adelaide?"

Ricardo did not know what he heard. His ex wife was in jail. What did she do?

"Hold on. What charges are being put against Candace?"

"Sir? Are you truly unaware? Have you not seen the news?! Or is this some kind of scheme to not take legal custody?"

"I am truly unaware so please explain it to me!" Ricardo commanded the woman, whilst his wife walked into the office.

"Sir... She's being charged with attempted murder..."

Ricardo didn't know what he was hearing.

"She tried to kill Adelaide."

Everyone in the office was shook, wide eyed at the news.

"Is she alright? Adelaide I mean?" Genevieve gasped. The story on the tv that she heard a few days ago. The girl they talked about was the other daughter of the family.

"Yes. She is underway to make a full recovery. Back to the question at hand. Do you wish to take over guardianship or not, sir?" He could hear she was getting annoyed with him.

"Yes! Send me whatever papers I have to sign for it. I want her here as fast as possible. Today even if possible."

Soon after that, the conversation ended. His daughter was coming home. He didn't know what to think. He'd hoped she changed. Maybe she could be of help to Theodore, since he was going through the same issues as Adelaide had when she was young.

"I hope she changed." Noah said

"I hope so too." Ricardo sighed

Ricardo held a family meeting shortly after the conversation ended.

"I just had an interesting phone call. I was informed that Adelaide will be coming home. Now, I know that it has been a long time since we last saw her. But let's give her another chance. Let's hope she changed enough so we can actually have her in our lives."

Adaline was the first to react. "She's coming home?! Finally!" She pretended to have really missed her sister, while on the inside she was seething.

She noticed that Theodore was watching her, so she gave him an evil smirk. Trying to pretend that Adelaide was the same as her.

Theodore was already scared of Adaline and now her twin would be coming here. She would be the same. Theodore didn't like that. He didn't want that.

Genevieve didn't know how to think. She had heard stories about Adelaide from everyone. But she couldn't have her own opinion of the girl without meeting her first. So she came to the conclusion that the stories she heard had to be proven to be true. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

The other brothers weren't thinking the same as Genevieve. Had they missed their sister? Yes.

Do they want her completely back in their lives? Unknown.

The staff in the house were overjoyed at the news. They immediately started preparation for her room to be set up and had contact with Ezekiel on what styles she liked.

They just couldn't wait.

Good lord. Here we go...

For those that didn't get the chapter arrangement. The .50 chapters are old memories of Adelaide and the .75 chapters are in the same timeline as the normal ones, but from a different narrative.

As always comment your thoughts and theories, and maybe vote??

Love Sarah

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