chapter 12.75

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The family didn't know how to react. James was glad to see her again. Even after everything that happened, he had missed the little girlie. Adeline just wasn't the same as Adelaide. Everyone was always around her and over the years, James started getting more and more annoyed by Adaline's constant question and need for attention. Theo was almost the same, he just acted out in a cry for attention.

James wasn't home a lot, but the moments he was, he would mostly avoid the two as much as possible.
Adelaide had shown him just how sassy she could be and thought it was hilarious. It reminded him of how she was when he last saw her.
Ricardo didn't know how to respond to seeing his daughter after so many years. And the worst part of it all was that he had seen her just weeks ago and had not recognized her. But she had. She had recognized him and it was the reason she shed tears. Ricardo sighed. How was he going to fix this?

"What are you thinking, dad?" Noah asked. Everyone was still in the living room except the few that went upstairs. He couldn't bring himself to tell his children what he was guilty over.
"Nothing son. I am just glad she is back here. My baby is finally home."
"Baby? What about me dad?" Adaline reacted. She needed to get everyone on her side now.
"Have you forgotten what she did to me?!"
"Of course not, sweetheart. But she has grown. I just hope she is no longer like that."
Ezekiel had been behind the door when everyone went off about Adelaide.
He was about to enter and speak up when James started to talk.

"Guys! It's been almost nine years since we last saw her. I for one am glad she's home. I would take her sassiness over anything."
"What? Jay did you forget how she used to torment me? Us?" Adaline tried.
"I have not forgotten what happened. But she is my sister just like you Addie. Just like Theo is my brother, who is going through probably the same as she did back then. I already lost a sibling once. I'm not ready to lose her again. Or Theo. Noah, you were closest to her growing up. What are your thoughts?"

Noah looked at James. "I don't know what to think."

Ezekiel got pissed off by his brother's attitude. "Really Noah? You practically raised that girl. You know it. Do you know that she is still till this day trying to get your approval most. Are you really ready to break her heart again?"

Ezekiel looked at the rest of the family. "We all discarded her nine years ago, which evidently was the worst possible thing that we could've done. Tell me, do any of you even know what the reason is that Lainy is back here?"

Ezekiel immediately looked at his father. "You didn't need to take custody of her if you didn't want it."
Ricardo immediately glared at his son. "What are you saying, Zeke? She's my daughter and of course I want her home."
"Really? Tell me what happened in Houston then?" Ricardo didn't say anything, just looked at him wide eyed. The rest just simply looked confused. What happened in Houston?
"Just so you all know. When she heard that she had to move back here, you wish to know her first response?" He kept looking sternly at everyone. "It wasn't that she was elated, I can tell you that! She had asked how fast she could get emancipated. Not because she dislikes any of us, but simply she was scared of all of us. So, I made a compromise. If this doesn't work out. If you're behaviour towards her doesn't change, soon. Adelaide's custodial will no longer be our family."
At this confession everyone looked at Ezekiel shocked at first. Then angry, enraged.
"What are you saying boy?! Nobody is taking my daughter from me!"
"Then prove you care. Prove to her you've changed." Ezekiel looked at Adaline when he said that.

"Dinner is ready."

I'm on a roll right now..
Love Sarah

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