Chapter 19

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But there's a scream inside that we all try to hide
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive, oh
Yes, there's a scream inside that we all try to hide
We hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, no

It was a quiet day in the house. Theodore was busy with his dad making a puzzle. Adelaide and Aquila had been joined at the hip the entire week and this Saturday morning had been no exception. Noah, Lemuel were working. Ezekiel was still away for his work. James was hanging out with friends in the living room and Adaline...

Adaline was currently talking on the phone with an attorney.

Her mothers defence attorney to be exact. Trying her best to come up with stories to discredit Adelaide. She needed Adelaide gone. Adelaide had thwarted most of her plans before they had even begun and Adaline was done with it.

Aquila noticed that Adelaide wasn't as lively as she had been at the beginning of the week and tried his best to put smiles and laughter on her face. She smiled, she laughed, but none of it was genuine. None of it was real. The dark circles under her eyes were more prominent than a few days ago. With the trial date coming closer, he knew she was starting to get more and more anxious, even if she tried not to show it. But he would be there for her, all the way.

The trial was not the only reason she felt so down. She was missing Noah.
And the stubborn mule didn't even so much as acknowledge her.
The quiet house was suddenly not so quiet anymore, with the doorbell ringing. Mister Beckett greeted the man at the door and let him in.
"If you would wait just a moment." Mister Beckett said before disappearing upstairs. The unknown visitor was slightly nervous to be in this house and soon was no longer alone as Ricardo, Adaline and Noah surrounded him.

"What are you doing in my house?!" Noah asked him sternly.
"I was sent to deliver a message to the young Miss DiMartino." He answered stoically.
"I'm right here so go on, I don't have all day!" Adaline sneered at the messenger.
"I am not here for you. I am here for Aurora. The butler already went up to get her." his face remained stoic.

"And what are you planning with her, Mason King?" Noah wanted answers. If Adelaide was forming a secret alliance, he needed to know if it would endanger them. Adaline finally knew his name and smiled sweetly in his direction, seemingly forgotten that she sneered at him just mere seconds ago. She needed him on her side if she was to have any luck with Adrian.

Mason didn't answer the question, he merely waited for the woman that was talked about so much by his family.
Mister Beckett knocked gently on the young miss's door. When she wasn't answering he softly opened the door. He saw her sitting on the side of her windowsill. Unmoving. Unfocused.

"There is a visitor for you, miss." Her head turned slowly to look at Mister Beckett smiling softly. Everyday his heart broke for her. The way he was seeing her now versus when she had arrived was like night and day. This house was toxic for her. And if things wouldn't change soon, he feared it would become her demise.

Adelaide slowly gave a soft smile to the butler and followed him down.
Mason was still ignoring anything the Italian Don had to say or ask and simply waited for Aurora.
And before he knew it she walked down the steps. He immediately knew why she had the nickname 'North'. Those beautiful eyes could light up the skies. He gave her a big smile.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Aurora. I am Mason King"
"Pleasure to meet you as well, Mason. To what do I owe this visit?" Adelaide was confused. The King's and DiMartino's were currently not super friendly with each other.

"You see, my aunt is very fond of you and has ordered me to deliver a message. In fact if I didn't do this, she would no longer give me my favourite dessert that she is a pro at making. So I really had no choice. Plus I wanted to meet the 'North' in person." He smiled at her.
As if a light bulb went on.

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