Chapter 27

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Don't worry 'bout me, and who I fire
I get what I desire, it's my empire
And yes, I call the shots, I am the umpire
I sprinkle holy water, upon a vampire
In this very moment, I'm king
In this very moment, I slayed Goliath with a sling
This very moment I bring
Put it on everything, that I will retire with the ring

Saying bye to everyone in Miami was not something I liked to do. Nor was it something I thought I would have to do again. But here we were at the airport doing the same teary eyed performance again.
Aubrey and I were glued together and everyone was actually having a hard time to split us up. We were holding on to each other as if separation would kill us.

"I'm gonna miss you so much bish!"
"I can't live without you bunny! No! Don't take me away! Leave me behind! I'll survive here, I promise!"
"Dells, we have to go. You are just trying to delay the inevitable." Lee commented.
Aubrey and I were both sniffing when we looked at him. Looking back at each other, we couldn't stop the second wave of waterworks. We started crying ugly again.

"Cherie, please. Don't break my heart like this. We will see each other soon enough." Maman sniffed.
I looked at her, ugly cry face and runny nose galore. Aubrey and I shifted to the side so maman could be part of our ugly cryer group, hugging them for dear life before letting go.
"I'll miss both of you too much!"
"We already miss you too! But we'll be together again soon, like mom said."
I simply nodded. Our flight was boarding now so with a simple wave, I had yet again had to say goodbye to my family, to my home. I had yet again had to say goodbye to a part of me that would never leave Miami.

I sat next to Lee and as soon as the seatbelt light was off, I took over his seat with my legs and cuddled my way all over him, just so I had some form of contact with safety.
I already knew that safety would not be all around me in L.A. As it had been Miami. I would have to be on my toes again, trying to go around everyone. I had not seen anyone since that night before Miami and was taken out of that house.
I didn't know how to react.

"Have you thought about what you want, Dells?" Lee startled me out of my mind.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him.
He looked back at me. "For your birthday. You're almost seventeen." My mouth formed an 'O'.
I simply shrugged. "As long as I get to hang out with you guys, I'm all good. Or I know something better..." I grinned. He mouthed a 'what' to me.
"Ship me off to Miami!" I kept grinning.
"We are spending your birthday together. I'm not shipping you away before we celebrate it together."
"Just invite Nick and Em to hang out and I'm all good."
"You really don't care about me being gay do you?" I looked at him confused. "Why would I be?"

"Adaline hates it."
"That's her problem then, being gay doesn't change who you are to me, Lee, I for one can't wait for you and Nick to tie the knot together. You know, white Picket fence, a little doggie in the yard, a few adopted kids playing around on a swing set."
Lee laughed at my dream. Why would he? It's his freaking future, I'm telling you.
"We'll see sweetheart. Get some sleep."
I laid my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Hoping that this flight would never land and just stay floating forever.

Unfortunately, I never get what I want. We landed even earlier than expected due to some wind. Also the roads were free of traffic, so we got back to the house even earlier than I wanted.
The only upside to me getting back here. Someone tackling your legs because they missed you.

"TEDDY!!!!! I MISSED YOU, BUDDY!!!" I yelled out while picking him up and hugging him tightly.
"I missed you too, Lainy! Did you bring me a present?"
Before I could answer him, Kiel just had to butt in, whining. "That's my name for her. You're stealing my name." He pouted excessively at Teddy.

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