Chapter 22

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Some days I'm sure I lose to fate
Some days I cannot find my faith
But I just fight on
I just fight on
I just fight on baby, baby

It was currently Wednesday. I was exhausted from the fake facade and smiles at school. Having to pretend to be cheery and happy is hard.
Teddy and I were watching a movie together. Mainly because I had no energy left to do anything. Or I didn't feel like doing anything. If it were up to me, I would've laid in bed and never come out again. I was no longer really talking to anyone, or I would simply answer in simple syllables.
Teddy was animatedly talking about the movie scenes. We were rewatching Moana.
Even with all the unstable emotions I was feeling, Teddy could still put a smile on my face.

"Did Zeke tell you yet?" He asked me.
I shook my head no.
"We're going to the carnaval! It's going to be so much fun. Have you been to a carnaval before?"
I thought back to the memory. It was one of the first outings I had with Maman and Aubrey.
Maybe not the best place to take a child that was still afraid of half of the world's population. But with Aubrey's pushing and pulling, I actually had a decent amount of fun. I was also the first time maman was able to capture my first genuine happy smile on camera. It made me unconsciously smile.
I looked back at Teddy. "Yeah. Once." I said softly.
He was excited. We were going after dinner.
I spent dinner time in my own room. Uncle Beck brought my dinner to me. It was a simple soup. He knew that my appetite had become less and less, so it was actually smart of him to bring me a soup that was high in vitamins and greens. He stayed with me until I ate every last drop.
With a smile he left me back alone until I was called. I didn't really feel like going, but I had promised Teddy to ride some rides together.
Coming downstairs all my siblings were there, with the exception of Ezra, Noah, Silas and Adaline.
Silas was only present on my first few days, but after that, he left again. Apparently he's living with our other family members back in Italy.
"Alright let's go!" James spoke out.
Packing us in two cars, we headed off.
I didn't really register the drive over. Qui shook me at a certain point. "Della, we're here." I looked at him and nodded. Getting out of the car, there were two other people I didn't know. But if I had heard Kiel's talk correctly, the woman was Emily.
I smiled and walked up to her. "You must be Emily." I shook her hand. "I'm Adelaide. Pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you as well." She smiled. She looked behind me with a confused expression. I turned around. They were looking at me in shock. "What?"
Kiel walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "That's the most I've heard you talk in days Lainy."
I rolled my eyes. "I still have manners no matter my current mood and mental state."
"Dells, this is Nicolas. Nick, this is Adelaide." I scanned the guy next to my brother. I proceeded to shake his hand with a judging glare. I strongly held onto his hand.
"You hurt my Lee. I'll haunt you! Other than that, nice to meet you!" I ended with a smile.
Lee laughed at that. "Were you trying to threaten my boyfriend?"
I looked at him with an innocent expression and shook my head. "No. It's a guarantee. He hurts you or makes you cry, I'll kick his balls and haunt him." I ended with a smile.
"Don't take her too seriously Nick, she's just messing with you, trust me." Kiel butted in.
I simply kept smiling. Think what you want to believe, big brother.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Teddy screamed out dragging me along behind him.

The fair was actually fun. From teacup rides to shooting down targets. I got to know Emily and Nicolas a bit more and I knew why my brothers were so infatuated with them. They were awesome people. I think they were still apprehensive of me, which I couldn't blame them for. I was Adaline's twin, so it would only be natural.
I just carried around the big stuffed bear that Lee had won for me, while trying to hold Teddy's ice cream while he went on a ride with the rest. So I stood there waiting together with Nicolas.
I secretly licked Teddy's ice. He would never know.
"So, Nick. Can I call you Nick?" He nodded.
"Cool cool. Does Lee know?"
"Know what?" He asked, confused.
"That your family is part of the Americans?"
He stilled beside me.
"Don't worry, I won't tell him. And I can't really tell you off either. Did he tell you?"
He took a deep breath. "Yes. He told me. I just don't know how to explain. I don't know how he would react. How the hell do you know?!"
"Bruh. He's like a little puppy around you. Trust me, he doesn't care. And next to that, I can't really tell your secret without someone hexing me and my big mouth." I kept licking Teddy's ice cream, it was a good flavour.
"What do you mean?"
"She's a little firecracker that doesn't know how to shut up. She's nicknamed Rey." I smirked.
"How do you know about her? No one outside the family knows our connection?!"
Everyone was slowly getting off the ride. I was walking towards them.
I looked at Nick over my shoulder and saw the Anxious expression on his face.
I smiled at him. "Riri and I are sisters." I looked back at Teddy and gave him his ice cream. He merely looked at it and knew I had been eating from it and told me to get him a new one. I laughed at this. Tonight has been the first time in days that I felt like a semi decent human being again. I didn't feel as confined. I did not feel the weight on my shoulders. I did not feel the memories banging on my mind to enter.
I felt free. And I showed it to my brothers. I smiled. I gave them my biggest smile.
Lee was going back home with Nick. So I hugged him with all my might. "Thank you. For everything." I whispered with a big smile and teary eyes. Lee hugged me back and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Of course, sweetheart." I looked at Nick and gave him a genuine smile. "It was nice to meet you. I'll keep our little convo a secret." I winked at him and put my pointer finger on my lips.
"What secrets do you suddenly have?" Lee asked.
I shrugged. "Don't know what you're talking about."
"Let's go home. You guys have school tomorrow." Kiel called out. Qui and I both sighed and groaned at the same time.
Saying bye to Emily I was shocked to get a hug out of her. She had warm hugs. I embraced her as well. Honestly I didn't want to let go. Her warm hugs were comfortable as well.
And with that, our amazing night was over.

"Like seriously?! How many hot guys do they have on the cast?" Marc groaned out. Lunch time was our simple time to actually discuss cast members.
"They first start with Stefan." Elena started.
"Then you get Damon!" Maya said. "I mean we all agree he is the HOTTER brother."
"And then they give you an even hotter character in the show..." Kath said but I interrupted.

"Matthew De Clairmont." I sighed dreamily.
The girls looked at me confused. Marc just smirked at me. He knew who I was talking about.
"None of you know about Professor Matthew de Clairmont? Just like the hottest vampire to ever exist. I would say bite me SIR!" I finished off in an English accent.
The girls still had a confused look. " Okay, we need another binge day." I told Kath.
"Discovery of witches is such a good show!" Marc confirmed. "I know right, savages they are."
"Alright, we'll watch it. How about Sunday? Since we need tomorrow to sleep off our hangovers?"
Taylor's party was tonight. Qui and I were going together. Luckily for me, this party fell on the last weekend of Adaline's grounding, so she wouldn't be there. Que evil laugh.

I had my outfit ready for the party tonight. I had chosen an 1920's Gatsby bustier, that used to be fixed under a dress. It was black with small hand sewn sequins on it. Together with that, I paired it with 1950's high waisted skinny jeans. This was also in black. Lastly, getting some wedge sneakers I was ready to go. I simply did nothing with my hair. My hair was curly so it would never listen to anything I had to say to it anyways. So I just let it be free.
Walking by Kiel's room I entered to show him my outfit. Making a twirl in front of him, I could see his mind working. I laughed at this.
"Don't worry Kiel. I still have my six pack and can still kick some ass. And if the need is 'dire'." I said as dramatically as I could. "There is always Aquila. I could throw him in front of me while I run."
He laughed with me at this. "Would you let him get eaten by the sharks?"
"Yeah. Survival of the fittest you know?" I winked at him. Gave him a kiss on the cheek and said my good nights.

I walked down the stairs to see our father and Noah in the living room. They both looked me up and down. I simply gave them a stoic face. They were not going to ruin my night out.
"Qui! I'm leaving you if you don't get that booty down here this instant!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He was quick to follow.
"Ready." He smiled. I grinned back.
"Let's make stupid mistakes tonight!"

A little bit of a filler chapter to tie in our girls mental state with upcoming.... Stuff...
Good night!

Love, Sarah (P.s. please vote and comment. You tha best!!)

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