Chapte 19.50

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From the moment she was born, she was his little princess.
His Rora. The little angel he raised.
No matter how much she grew, she was his little baby.
As soon as she was able to crawl, she would crawl to where he was. Her motoric skills developed faster than Adaline's and when she was able to crawl, Adelaide was already taking her first steps.

Adelaide was only 7 months old and no taller than 62 cm, making her no bigger than Noah's knee when she started walking.
Noah and Kyle Beckett were there for every step she took the first time.

No one else.

No one else saw the glory and smiles when Adelaide first started walking. Everyone was consumed with Adaline's ability to crawl a little.
At birthday parties, the only ones who would cherish Adelaide in the family were Noah and their grandfather Richard.
The small twinkle and beautiful giggling laugh she produced, was enough to turn the man into a puppy in front of her. And that did not change.
Noah did change. His Rora started to behave out of control over the years. From thievery to breaking things.
Noah had always stood by her when she was being reprimanded.

He would always soothe her when she cried. He would hold her when she couldn't sleep.
Noah thought he could get her to stop.
But then she destroyed his laptop.
All of his hard work was on it.
He no longer stood by her. He stood against her.
He thought she would see the wrongs she did and change.
But she didn't change.
Richard Sr. could do nothing when he found out that Adelaide had been sent to her mother.
It was too late.
He would only hope he would see his princess again.
See the twinkle in her eyes again.

He was not even allowed to visit.
Birthdays came and went. Adaline was being celebrated, but his little princess was not even allowed to come home for that.
He missed her so much. He loved Adaline, but just could not get her sister out of his mind. He just couldn't give Adaline the love he had for his little princess.
Adaline saw that and no longer wanted her grandfather at her birthday parties.
And so Richard Sr. no longer attended hers. He attended his other grandchildrens but not hers.

Over the years he grew older and older and made the final decision, without informing his family to live with a very old friend again. An old friend his family wouldn't like.
He was introduced to his old friend's family and was accepted immediately.
And there he lived, waiting, hoping to see his little princess again.

She would persevereWhere stories live. Discover now