The Failed Picnic (C)

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My hand was grabbed rather roughly by Kuro as I felt the ground beneath my feet wash away like sand at the beach. My vision blurred and kaleidoscopic colors and shapes filled my vision, white noise filled my ears. My body felt like it was dying.

Until we landed.

I fell, ready to give up my life on the grassy floor of the forest we landed on.

"Idiot! You can't teleport mortals." I saw a very blurry Mika rush to my side, joined by her grandfather.

"It's okay, kid. Look at me." He turned my jaw towards him. All I saw was a mix of black, white, and red blending together. "Now breathe. Inhale on one and exhale on two, okay? One...two. One...two..." I followed his instructions and was lulled into relaxation by a pair of soft hands gently massaging me. My vision cleared and the ringing in my ears faded away.

"Better now? Good." He ran his hand over my hair and ruffled it.

"He's fine now, Mika. I think you should attention to your husband before he throws a fit like the eons-old toddler he is and ends up killing another million people." He sighed.

"I'm not that bad." Belial huffed and crossed his arms. "It was once. In the two thousand."



"It was six times, Dad. It's in history books, you know." The white-haired boy interrupted with a smile.

I paled. This was not a guy I should get close to. How could he cause that many deaths just from a fit?

"Ah, who cares about the mere lives of mortals? No offense, Cole." Mika purred as she rushed to her husband, placing her hands on his expansive chest. "I'd say six million is an amazing feat."

He puffed his chest in pride and dropped his nose into her hair and pulled her forward, making them tumble down to the grass.

"Gross." The white-haired boy hid his face in the back of his friend. The other boy turned scarlet.

"Cole, are you feeling okay?" I beamed at the sight of my boyfriend, who held my hands as he pulled me up.

"I'm fine. Just a little woozy." He smiled and gently led me to the group, where Kuro's grandfather and father were laying out a large blanket.

I watched as Chihiro was put on the ground by Mikado and took off, babbling all the way. I went to go get him but I was stopped by Kuro.

"Don't worry. He's safe in these woods."

That confused me. What young child would be safe to wander woods by themselves? But, if Kuro said it was okay...

"Okay." I nodded. We helped set down food and drinks around the blanket as new people came up to us. Kuro greeted them first, then came back for me and grabbed my hand, making My heart go wild. "Cole, this is my great-uncle, Riku." A short man with long hair smiled at me and waved. "And this is my uncle Haruto and his wife, Hana. They're Mikado's parents." I could see where Mikado got his looks from. His mother was breathtakingly beautiful. With the same freckles and pretty pink eyes, full lips, and a sweet smile.

"And this is my aunt Miyako and her husband, Amihan." Miyako cooed and grabbed my cheeks, while her husband stood behind her with a basket.

She turned around and pulled small packages out of the baskets, red-wrapped gifts. "Souvenirs!" She handed one to Kuro who opened it excitedly. "You always give the best presents, Auntie!"

It was a string of authentic pearls. "Wow, Auntie! Thank you!" He hugged her.

"Not a problem for my adorable nephew!" She cooed. "Mikado, Shiro, Mika, come get your gifts!"

They all approached her with happy grins and tight hugs. I and Kuro stood back so they would have more room.

"Does she have any children?" I whispered as I looked into his obsidian eyes. He shook his head. "She's infertile. A side effect of Hellheim gas."

"What's that?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Lucifer, the lord of hell is a major dickhead with a serious hatred for women. No one knows why he is sexist, but it is in extreme forms. He decided during Earth's third world War to create something called Hellheim gas, spelled H-E-L-L-H-E-I-M instead of the traditional spelling. It had something in it that either killed or destroyed something in women, both mortals and immortals. For my aunt, she lost her fertility, and the X drug won't even work on her. My grandmother lost an eye. Hana lost her voice."

I peeked at his sister, who was chatting with her aunt. "And Mika?"

He looked down to the ground. "Mika, she was born stillborn. That is what happened to her. We were lucky enough to get a God to bring her back to life, but that God is also a douchebag and tries to claim her as his daughter so he and my dad get in a lot of legal disagreements."

"Wow." He nodded. "Yeah. Here's hoping no other woman will have to suffer that. I hope we have more women born into the family, there is too much testosterone in the air." He grinned.

"Great-grandpa!" We both whipped our heads around at that exclamation and saw a shorter man with a long straight ponytail and traditional clothes carrying one child, and the other man, slightly taller with shockingly green eyes held Chihiro.

"Hello." The one with long hair greeted, me before turning his heated gaze on me.

"Who are you?" I momentarily froze as I forgot my manners.

"Great-grandfathers, this is my mate, Cole."

The child in the man's arms scoffed. "A mortal? And a foreigner no less."

I was shocked by this. This child couldn't be any more than twelve, yet held me in such a disgusted and revolted stare, looking down at me from his arm throne.

"You stole the words right from my mouth, Kenji." The man cooed before looking back at me, his eyes hard and angry.

"Honestly, Kuro, was it too hard to ask for a Japanese mate? Dozens would've lined up for you. Incubi, vampires, werewolves, kitsunes, anything your little heart desired. Your brother may have married an English man, who I despise for that very reason, but at least he isn't mortal. Your sister did the best out of the three of you."

"Belial is a maniac with a huge ego, grandfather."

"And an even bigger dick!" Belial shouted from behind us.

"He's still better than a soft, plushy mortal, Uncle." The kid drolly stared at me before beaming up at his grandfather. "When I become of age, grandfather, I will marry the strongest, most horrific supernatural in all of Japan."

"Oh?" His grandfather smirked. "That's what I like to hear. Promise?" He held out his pinky.

The kid gave him his pinky.

"Mika darling, Kenji is going places." Mika came up to him as he transferred the child from his arms to her arms.

"Here, make Belial hold him, you don't want to put too much pressure on the baby."

Mika's eyebrows furrowed. "Baby?" She placed her hands on her stomach. "I don't feel anything, though?"

"Of course not, she was conceived a few nights ago." He responded with a roll of his eyes.

"She?" Mika and Belial both did a double take and stared at each other.

"I think I'm going to pass out," Mika said as she passed out.

"There goes another year's picnic." Ayato laughed. "I can only imagine what next year's will be like."

Prince of Purgatory (mxm, BDSM, Second of the 'Prince' Series)Where stories live. Discover now