Thanksliving Special

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  ☆☆I know it's a tad strange to do a Thanksgiving chapter in a book that has ten chapters, however, I do not have a lot of based in America books. And I just did a Halloween chapter for POD, and I don't want to be repetitive.☆☆

  I rung my hands together staring at the time on my Rolex nervously. My teeth had managed to find their way to my bottom lip that I impulsively chewed.

"Are you ready, Master?" Cole's gorgeous and serene blue eyes stared into mine. He cradled the pie he made to take to his parent's house in his right arm.

"Yes," I murmured. "Let's get this show on the road." He smiled excitedly, causing a warm feeling in my arm to beat off the butterflies. I held his pie as he went to lock his apartment before we got into the car I summoned from my own home.

He got in the passenger's seat and blushed. "Foreign cars," he laughed, switching seats with me. I buckled him in before turning the sleek black Mitsubishi's engine. The radio came to life, playing cheery sounding American tunes that Cole belted and choreographed.

I grinned at his cuteness. I'm so glad I was sent to this foreign land to find a mate. If I had been any later, I'm sure he'd already be snatched up. He was perfect in every way. And he loved me. He let  me collar him. He let me take his perfect body into my hands and give him gentle touches or rough love. He lets me hold him after I've dominated and taken his sweet body over and over.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice broke through my thoughts.

"How hot my name looks wrapped around your pretty throat." He blushed and faintly touched the glittering collar around his neck.

"I love it too, Master."

My heart sped. Blush covered my own cheeks and ears.

"Aw, cutie." He pinched my cheek. I rolled my eyes and focused on the road again, turning into a lovely suburban area filled with ancient trees and two story houses, the snow falling on it made it appear like snow globe.

I parked at his parent's house, the robin blue house with white detailing. I got out of the car and went around to the other side to open the door and unbuckle him. With grace, he slid out and thanked me, pie still in hand.

He rang the doorbell which gave a pleasant ringing noise. An older woman answered the door, gray eyes twinkling with just a bit od crow's feet around them. Curled white hair and chunky black glasses, gentle eyeshadow, andlittle dimples. She wore a navy turtleneck.

She cried out something in English, I presume, folding Cole into her arms. She cried for someone else in the house.

Another woman came into view, her black hair tied up in a ponytail, her eyes dark as night and cunning, wearing a nice brown sweater. She gave me a sharp glance. There was something familiar about her eyes, something I just couldn't place. She turned to the other woman and whispered something in her ear.

The lighter haired one gasped and hurried us in. We obliged, stepping into the threshold, which was decorated ever so lovely by fake orange leaves and dainty turkeys. There was a ton of food on the table in decorative dishes, meats and casseroles and desserts.

Cole spoke to his mother's before grabbing me. "I'm going to introduce my friend now." He said in perfect Japanese. The dark haired one translated for her wife. "This is Kuro. We've been together for a few weeks now, but I can feel our bond become stronger and stronger everyday. And look-- he collared me!"

The women gasped and hugged him, still wary of me. I bowed to them and introduced myself further, which they did not seem to care for. Their eyes narrowed to at me, like it was a disgrace for me to be in their kitchen.

They talked to Cole, sending food around the table with a lazy Susan. I was obviously blatantly ignored, seeing as Cole was the only one to offer me food.

"Can you take me to the restroom?" I whispered in Cole's ear as he shoveled down mashed potatoes and gravy.

He nodded and wiped off his face, before leading me deeper into his home. "Hey look, my bedroom!" He smiled excitedly, opening the frosty purple door. His room was lovely, with star shaped lights hanging, a grid with photographs of him and various other people, men and women alike. His blanket was a smart gray, and the bed was decorated with plenty of blankets and the hint of a playgirl magazine hanging out of the mattress. There was also a drawer filled with fuzzy handcuffs and a few sex toys.

"Maybe later you and I could play with all these fun toys you have, pet." I nipped his ear. "Seems like someone was a very naughty teenager."

He blushed, and took me down to the bathroom, a few doors away from his room. "I'm going to go back to the table now, Master." I nodded as I released my urine into the bowl and flushed, going to wash my hands with the 'fall' scented hand soap.

"I want to know what you want from my son, Prince Kuro." My eyes met the darker haired woman in the mirror. "You must be mistaken, ma'am. I am no pr--"

"You Kami think you're clever." She snarled. "But you're not. Your father wasn't clever when he knocked up his mate at sixteen. Your sister wasn't clever when she married that demon. Your brother wasn't clever when he developed a crush on you." I froze.

"You seem to know a lot about my family despite hating us."

"I don't hate you," she trailed off. "I'm wary of you."

Her eyes held a certain fire, and right then and there I knew exactly who these women were.

"Miss Fox," I spoke sweetly to the angered kitsune. "I have no ill intentions for your son. He...he is my mate. And I love him. I wish to take his hand in marriage and hold and protect him forever." Her glare softened. "I hope you and your wife will start to trust me, because I'm here for the long haul." I was shocked as she hugged me.

"Cole deserves a good man. And I can tell that he cherishes you." She released me. "Take good care of my son. If you don't, I'll rip your arm off."

She walked off into the kitchen and I followed behind. She took her seat next to her wife and I took the one next to my future husband.

The valkyrie was still eyeing me strangely, cold and calculating, like the true warrior she is. The kitsune gave her valkyrie wife a small whisper, before they both turned to me.

"Kuro, welcome to the family. Have some casserole." The valkyrie spun me some green bean casserole. "I am Freya." The valkyrie smiled at me. "This is my wife, Hina."

They were a very cute couple. I spied the wedding ring on Freya's finger, a rose gold band with sparkly diamonds and a large, clear ball in the middle. A star ball. She gave her wife her own soul, nothing cuter than that.

"Its very nice to meet you two." We shook hands.

Family may be threatening  but we are all bound by love.

Prince of Purgatory (mxm, BDSM, Second of the 'Prince' Series)Where stories live. Discover now