Chapter Eight: Yes or No? (C)

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**I just found out about this band called Hatari, which personally, isn't my cup of tea, but they're really funny on their interviews**

"Oh my God! He offered you a contract?" My friend, Ethan squealed, as he hopped from on foot to the next, shimmying on his rubber bodysuit.

"I know, right? We barely spent two hours together! Do you think his deal sounds shady?"

He rolled his cerulean eyes, flattening down his fluffy, brown hair to put on his mask.

"Why don't you just get the deets so that you don't have to worry? Plus, live a little! You're twenty four, have a successful, operating business! I can't even imagine how tense you must be all the time!" He gave me a slow, sexual smile. "Maybe Master and I could loosen the tension..."

He grinded himself against me. "Ethan, you know I'm not into multi-partner relationships...and I kind of want to really want to try it with this guy! He was really sweet. He called me babe like six times..."

Ethan snorted as he pulled on his yellow puppy mask. "Wow, you sound enamored already! I think you should give it a go, he sounds pretty interested and hot! And tell me if you ever change your mind! Byee!"

He crawled out of the room, tail plug wagging away. I chuckled, shaking my head.

I was putting back on my street clothes in disappointment.

I really wanted him to be here tonight. He was so sweet last night, that I couldn't help but want to see him again.

As I walked out of the space, I noticed Ethan finally made it to his master, Sir Eric.

Ethan couldn't be happier to be at the man's feet, recieving pets and cooed praises.

"Hello there, Cole." Eric called out to me. "Leaving already? It's only six thirty."

I nodded, respectfully. "Yes sir, I'm afraid I have plans."

He smirked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. "You could spend the night with puppy and I, he needs a playdate. Don't you puppy?"

Eric, who now was known as Lucky, barked in response, earning him a head ruffle.

"That's very kind, sir, but im in a contract."

He smiled, and waved me closer, crushing me in his arms. "I can't believe it! The single pringle got himself a contract! How many years have you been single?"


He gave me a toothy grin. "I congratulate you and the lucky bastard who won your heart. Best wishes!" He patted me on the ass. "Have a good night, Cole."

"You too, sir. And you as well, Lucky!" He woofed excitedly, nuzzling his face on my jeans.

With a final goodbye, I left the club.

Gosh, I'm starved! I hurried myself in the streets to get to the restaurant across the street, Wanderlust.

It was similar to my cafe in some ways, but was more of an actual restaurant, with dim, romantic lighting, swanky jazz, and deep red decor.

I saw a familiar, dark haired man, and almost ran up to him, until I saw the woman at his table.

I've never been so pissed! The woman had equally dark hair, and her manicured nails were close to Kuro's palm, her ridiculously sized boobs resting on the table.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted that rat!

I marched up to his table, ready to smack the shit out of him, but another man came to the table, which made me halt in confusion.

He sat down next to the woman, who gave him a kiss, and he wrapped his arms around her. They looked absolutely beautiful together, lost in each other's eyes.

"Oh, Cole! I was going to call you!" Kuro got up, and led me to his table. "Here, sit!" He pulled out the chair next to me.

"Oh, are you Cole? Kuro has told me all about you!" The woman cheered, her English heavily tainted with her accent.

"I'm Mika, Kuro's younger sister. I bet he hasn't told you about me, huh? He's not much of a talker anyway...Oh! This is my husband! His name is Bel--Oh! I mean, umm, Bennet?"

I stared at Kuro in utter confusion, and he was staring holes into his sisters temple.

She was really gorgeous, but that wasn't a surprise. Her brother was drop dead, so I guess it ran in the family. Bennet, if that's his name, was also really handsome.

"Cole, this is my younger sister, Mika, and her husband, Brenden."

"I thought he was Bennet."

"I'm fucking Belial, demon of-- oww!" I saw Mika glaring at him before she gave him, what I assume to be a swift kick under the table.

His voice was deep, with a bit of a snake-like hiss.

"Umm...we're going to go now. Nice meeting you!" Mika dragged her husband out of the building, growling at him.

"You have a lovely family." I stared at the couple leaving. He snorted. "Yeah, if you call 'lovely' horrifying. Those two are the least worst of the bunch."

"Aw, your family can't be that bad."

"I have an entitled little brother, one of my fathers is unhealthily obsessed with my relationships, the other couldn't care less, unless it has to do with the king--er business."

He's hella shady. I thought.
But hella hot! My inner whore purred.

"So, do you want to talk about this contract...or...?" Kuro brightened instantly. "Oh, yes. Let's discuss this." He pulled the yellow envelope out of his messenger bag, before pulling out some papers. "Can I treat you to some food?" He waved a waiter over.

"Oh, may I have the steak, please? Medium-rare." The waiter nodded, hurriedly scribbling on his notepad. "Could you also get us your finest wine? Grenache, perhaps?"

The waiter nodded, adding it to his notes, then stalked away to another table.

"Now, then sweetheart, would you like to review?"

I nodded, grabbing the papers from him.

Pretty basic contract, nothing too heavy, regular rules, be polite, correct titles, blah, blah, blah...

I marked down my safeword, limits, and signed my name at the bottom.

"I hope you don't mind that I don't want a temporary contract." He murmured. "I would like to keep you as long as possible, if you're okay with that."

My heart surged in my chest. "As long as possible?" I squeaked out.

"Yes, I hope you don't mind I can change it if you'd like, I should've asked before I made one, I'll just make a new copy..."

I rolled my eyes, and gave him a kiss. He melted into it.

"Its perfect, Master."

He grinned. "Then, a toast--"

The waiter came from nowhere with the steak and wine.

Kuro poured me a glass.

"To the relationship of life time."

Prince of Purgatory (mxm, BDSM, Second of the 'Prince' Series)Where stories live. Discover now