The Morning After (C)

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I groaned as I was flashed with bright light and a shuttering noise. I covered my sleeping face with the blanket and it was immediately tugged back off.

I sat up irritated and glared at the culprit, Mikado.

"You two are so cute together!" He laughed excitedly, waving around his retro Polaroid camera. "Did you guys use the gift I snuck in here?" He peered over the bed, surveying the area. "Oh, you did! Strawberry cream is one of my personal favorites! I like to suck it off, my Master--"

"Mikado." I held out my palm, signaling I wanted him to stop talking. "Thank you very much for the gift, but Kuro and I had a long night and would appreciate some more sleep." I put on my customer service smile. "Please, we'll talk later."

He seemed glum but nodded. "Okay. See you later, Cole." He softly shut the door behind him. I sighed and laid back, getting comfortable on the pillow as I stared at Kuro's sleeping face. Long, dark lashes that created beautifully contrasting dark crescents on his pale face. Dark hair slightly tousled and tangled, hiding his eyebrows. The little beauty marks on the bridge of his nose and collar bone that at this point I assumed was a big hereditary player in his family.

He was beautiful, and I was surprised he had gone this long without a boyfriend.

Maybe it was his crazy family? His riches?

I didn't know, but knowing I was the first person he has ever been with romantically, and knowing I was the only one he's ever bottomed for filled me with an odd and archaic pride.

I brushed some of his hair from his eyebrows and tucked it behind his ear, snuggling into his side under the covers.

"Did he annoy you, dear?" Kuro's raspy morning voice greeted me. "No. I'm just tired."

"Mm, must be the time differences making you tired." He stretched. "It's eleven in the morning."

"Oh my God?" I squeaked as I sat fully up and snatched his black alarm clock from the side table.

"You jerk, it's only eight!" He sighed and rolled out of the bed and hissed, rubbing his back.

"Are you okay? Does your back hurt from last night?" I scooted to his side and rubbed his naked lower back. "Just stiff and achy." He turned back to me and pulled me to my feet. "Let's go shower together?"

I let him lead me to the shower room and get in with him. I scrubbed his hair and he scrubbed mine. We didn't wash each other otherwise, mostly because I was still tired and couldn't a hundred percent focus on washing.

Afterward we got out and washed our faces and brushed our teeth, before taking turns on a stool to blow dry each other's hair.

It felt like a honeymoon. Soft, sweet, and full of love for each other. The thought of marrying made me excited.

I'd want to be married back home and have it be a big deal. But considering that he is the eldest, and a prince at that, to have that happen for me probably meant two weddings. A Japanese one and an American one. I was on board for both.

I combed out my hair as he dressed. "Are we doing anything cool today? Will I be able to go home and check up on things anytime soon?" He glanced back. "I'll find a way to transfer you back and forth as you need without anymore else knowing, babe. And for things to do today ...hmmm... maybe we can just hang out? Oh, but I have to get you signed up at the club too... we can do that tomorrow, though."

I quickly dressed and followed him downstairs where Mikado was resting on his husband's chest, excitedly babbling in Mandarin.

"Oh! You're here, how was your sleep?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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