Chapter 18: Best mom ever mug

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A/N: Hey! This chapter is so late lol I've been quite busy. This chapter is going to have a bit of a different style of writing. By that I mean there will be multiple different POVs.

It had been 3 days since your mother told you the news. You had to go home.

It was approaching Friday and that meant it was time to leave your red headed boyfriends and travel far away.

Right now you were sitting on the couch and watching television with Lindsey.

"But, I'll wait for you!" The man in the soap opera cried out.

"No, it'll just slowly break your heart! You deserve to find a new love," the woman replied with tears in her eyes.

"What if the twins try to wait for me? They shouldn't have to," you thought.

"Are you alright y/n?" Lindsey pulled you out of your trance.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," you lied.

~Time Skip~

*Karou's POV*

Me and Hikaru were miserable. We have been for days. We can't lose y/n, we just can't.

"Do.. do you think they're okay?" Hikaru mumbled as he sat up from beside me.

"I don't know," I sighed in response.

"Do you think they're already packing?" Hikaru looked down at the floor.

"I don't know," I answer again before flopping backwards onto me and Hikarou's shared bed.

"Karou... they were the first person..." My brother mutters under his breath.

"I know," I respond sadly.

Y/n was the first person we met that could tell us apart. The only person who recognized we have different personalities and opinions and yet they still loved us both equally but for different reasons.

Just then my brother sat up, grabbed my hand, dragged me to the door, and threw my jacket at me.

"Karou we can't lose them,"

~Time skip~

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Me and Hikaru waited impatiently at Y/n's doorstep. We had to see them.

"Hello? Oh it's you two," Lindsey opened the door with a fake smile plastered on her face.

Her eyes were red and puffy. She had quite obviously been crying.

"I'm sorry boys, y/n just went out to fetch some eggs," Lindsey explained.

"Oh sorry, we'll come back later then," my twin apologized before we both turned to leave.

"No no that's not necessary. The market is just across the street and they'll be back any minute. Come on in," she smiled politely.

Me and Hikaru stepped inside and Lindsey directed us to the table.

"I'll get you boys some coffee," she grinned before turning to get the beverage prepared.

I looked down at the table and saw a letter underneath my arm.

I went to move the letter away from me when a word caught my attention.


I nervously glanced around before picking the letter up to read.

"Dear Lindsey and Mabel,

We are sorry to inform you that your adoption application for Jayden has fallen through."



Me and Hikaru turned to see what the commotion was and we're met with a sobbing Lindsey on the floor trying to pick up pieces of a mug. A "best mom ever" mug.

"Lindsey, are you alright?" I put a gentle hand on her shoulder while Hikaru helps her clean up the shattered mug.

"Y-yes I'm fine" she stuttered out.

"I didn't know you have a kid," Hikaru holds up the pieces of the mug that read out "best mom."

Lindsey's lip quivers a big before she bursts into tears all over again.

Hikaru looks at me with confusion and panic written across his face.

I handed him the letter to read before I helped Lindsey up off the floor and onto a chair.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea," Hikaru looks down sadly.

"I-it's alright," Lindsey sighs.

"I bet you were really looking forward to meeting him," I glance at her sympathetically.

She wipes a stray tear off her face before responding.

"Me and Mabel have wanted a baby for so long," she sniffles.

We all sat in sad silence for a few moments before me and Hikaru looked at each other with an idea.

*Time skip*

*Your POV/normal POV*

You opened the door to hear cries. Mabel and Lindsey were crying in the kitchen... with the twins?!

"Uh what's happening?" You ask extremely confused.

"Y/n we're having a baby!" Lindsey cries out happily.

"What?!" You gasp.

"We've wanted a baby for so long. We've tried adoption but none of the agencies have any babies available," Mabel smiles while wiping tears off her face.

"We always wanted to get pregnant and give birth but we didn't have enough money for a sperm donor after all the adoption attempts," Mabel explains.

"Did you guys treat my aunts like a charity case or something?" You ask the twins very confused of how your aunts all of a sudden have the money.

"No. We didn't want donations and so, these boys," Lindsey began before breaking into sobs once again.

"These boys bought every single cake, muffin, bread, and pastry in our bakery," Mabel sniffled.

"T-that's amazing!" You rush over and hug your aunts.

After you pull away from their grasp you look at the twins with a smile.

"You guys did this for my aunts?" You ask.

The two nod shyly and you embrace them into a tight hug.

Shortly after, Lindsey and Mabel join in the hug and now it's a group hug.

"Well I guess we should really get that 'best mom ever' mug repaired," Hikaru chuckled.

Summer in Japan {Hikaru and Karou x reader fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now