part 11 - practise

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Iris’s POV 

“okay, so now that Miss Stern is back, she’ll take the main lead as snow white. Now, come here dear” Miss Fea said. Urgh, why can’t they just pick someone else. I’m not pretty definitely not someone who should be paired with him.

“come on Iris!” someone groped my arm and I’m sure it’s a guy. A guy named Kaden 

“hey!” I hit his hands so that he would let go of my hands. Jeez, some people are just very annoying. 

“oh come on! Be professional. Let’s pretend it’s like business” he blurted out. 

“what do you mean?” 

“what I’m trying to say is, I know you didn’t forgive me yet and are still fully mad at me, but baby, I need this to work” he wink and point his finger at me and then right back at him and he did it several times

“don’t baby me!” I don’t like it when he flirts like that. Although I’m not sure wether he’s flirting or not but it seems like it and I don’t like it. 

“okay okay. Chill. how about, emm, princess?” what?! Princess?! 

“what?! No! “ 

“okay then! Princess it is!” he decided to call me that, without even getting my agreement. Come to think of it, he didnt need any agreement, but still!

“come on dear princess, we’ve got a love to kill” at least he looks happy and bright and that just make me realize how much I hate him. He should suffer with me. 

“a love to kill? Isn’t that some Korean drama or something?” I heard about this drama somewhere. Rain was on it if I’m not mistaken. 

“how did you know that?!” I gave him a ‘duh’ look. 

“why would I tell you anything?” I know I know, I’m hard-headed. It’s just that sometimes I feel like he hasn’t done anything but then I started to remember what he did and start treating him coldly. Blah. I just don’t know if I shoud easily trust him 

“okay. But I will tell you how I know, just in case, so you won’t misunderstand. My little sister is a kpop lover, so I must get used to it right” he had a sister? Wow, he had a sister and are not ashamed to humiliate some other girls. Sucks to be him! 

“WEML” I whispered 

“hey, I heard that and I know what it means and FYI, that is so last season babe” he made a move like a girl and talked like a girl, I cant help but to let out a giggle. He’s good. he’s just really good at these things.

“there ya go! My princess is all rainbows and not cloudy anymore” 

“s-shut up!” I look at him and he looked at me. We’re just there starring as if the time didn’t move. That was awkward 

“guys! What are you doing standing like a statue there? Go rehearse your lines! Go now. chop!” Miss Fea’s shouting broke our gaze. Thank god for that! 

“guess we’ll have to practice now huh” I gave him a nod and he looks like he was about to start 

The script we’re rehearsing says that prince Charming and Snow White was introducing themselves. I heard Kaden clears his throat. I guess he’s really starting 

Kaden was looking at me in the eyes and said “let me introduce mysef. I. M. Charming” it’s really funny that his words describe him perfectly, he’s rather very charming too 

I look at the script and recite back, ready to roll this drama “rather stuck on yourself, don’t you think?”

“No, no, that's my name. "I" period. "M" period. Charming” he gave me his sly smiles when he finished his words 

“ I. M. Charming. I mean you are Charming” i act like I was stating the obvious with my hands trying to say he is charming blah blah blah 

“No, U. R. Charming is my brother” he said sarcasticly 

I was completely annoyed by his tone voice but I still continued 

“No, no, what I mean is..” 

“ It's quite all right. I'm used to the confusion that being a Charming can cause. Because of the name problem, most people just call me Charming” I was looking at him before saying my lines. He sure has his charm. I cant believe I was actually checking him out. He’s very athletic and has a fit body, his blue polo t-shirt match him, his messy blonde hair makes him look ravishing and his eyes are as blue as the sea or maybe I’m over explaining things. Without noticing, I blurted out the words “prince charming” slowly and huskily. I look at him and he gave me a ‘that’s a convincing acting you got there’ look. Thank god he didn’t realize I was checking him up 

“yup, that’s me” he grinned wide at me. 

I look at my script to see what happened next, I find the script quite hilarious. 

“you really are charming! And handsome too!” I make a shock face when I said that. He just chuckled and it was a sweet chuckled, I don’t really know the difference but I can tell, at least. 

“thank you” he fake a bow ad continue “you are?”

 "Snow White. I'm the step daughter to the wicked queen. I mean my wicked step mother. I mean the queen” 

“Have you always had a problem with stuttering?” he raised an eyebrow. He’s really into it huh 

 “No, I haven't always had a problem. I mean, yes, I haven't ever had a problem with—oh, never mind, Prince Charming.”

“ I sense you don't like the queen?” 

“my, you’re handsome!” again I make my shock face and he chuckled again 

“No, I'm Charming—Handsome is my uncle” his tone sounded a little strict. So that this Snow White understands that he’s ‘Charming’ not ‘Handsome’ 

We were about to continue until Miss Fea suddenly shouts to everyone 

“okay, it’s already 5.30 p.m” already 5.30! damn, time moves so fast. I didn’t even realize. 

“you may go home now and we’ll continue practice tomorrow” she continued.

I saw Kaden grabs his bags and he looks like he’s rushing somewhere. I just look at him and whatever he’s doing

“what?” he said 

“n-nothing” I stuttered 

He chuckled, again! And smiled at me “got to go princess. See you tomorrow!” he waved at me before going off with his motobikes. Everyone else is still here, slowly taking their bags and what not, but he’s just poof! Gone! I wonder where he’s going. 


Phewww! This is by far the longest chapter ever! Hehe. Im so sleepy. Hope you like this one. It may have many grammatical error. Forgive me! Enjoy! Oh, and I haven’t proof read. Hee.

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