part three - a fail plan

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"I get an idea!!" we were all startled by Mia's sudden loud voice. we turned our head and saw her develish smile

"what idea?" we speak in line

"I think Nate should give you a ride home! think about it, you say he was nice to everyone right? even the not popular kids, so this the chance to really prove that he is what you think he is" Mia got a point there. Did he just really being nice just to keep up to his rep or is he being really nice even after school

"sooo, are you guys in or not?" she asked again

"we're in!!" I'm actually really excited! to be riding home with Nate and his awesome bike? it's like a dream come true!

"but how are we supposed to make it work?" yes! good question there Serra

"easy peasy. here's the plan" we huddled together and whispered the plan

"okay! sounds superb! please work" I was hoping for it really

"girls! girls! look!" Liz suddenly call us

"oh my god. That. Disaster!" Serra shouts loudly but not loud enough for people around us to hear

there I saw, Amber, she's hurrying towards Nate, it's like she's giving him something, a cake or something. I didn't see it clearly. Nate gave her his breathtaking smile to her. how I wish I was in her place right now. We keep on watching Amber from far

"oh!! how could she play such dirty tricks! look!" Liz showed us to Amber's direction

she was walking back after giving the cake, I think, to Nate and the on the way, she pretended to fall in front of Nate, as if her legs are cramp or something! and Nate fall for that! such dirty tricks. I heard Nate offers to ride her back home, of course her tactics would be like 'ohh, I'm fine, it's okay' or something similar.

I heard Nate's motorbike coming towards, then I saw Amber sitting at the back of the motorbike, what makes me even more angrier is that, she watch us and stick her tongue out. how rude! so there goes my ride with prince charming.

*I haven't proof read. sorry it was so boring. hehe.

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