Part eight - it's not me

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Kaden's POV

" fucking retard!!" what the hell? Iris was shouting at me, she came to me full with anger, like she's trying to kill me once she had me. What did I do? Wait. Did she think that I do this to her? God no. I admit, I laugh at this whole thing, it's a masterpiece. It's really funny but I'm not that cruel enough. I wouldn't do something like this unless she really deserve it which is not. I mean, I really just know her for like three days or something, not enough reason to do something like this no matter how badass I am and there she is pointing at me like I'm the reason behind this, thank god someone hold her so she wont do anything stupid. Well, I know I haven't treat her right, but I would never do something like this. If I were to humiliate or revenge on a person it would in a cool and awesome way. This is a cheap play. Someone must be having some grudge on her. I cant have her blaming me forever, I like teasing her, she blush, it's cute and sometimes she got all blurred up she said exactly the opposite thing that I was talking about, which is so cute. Wait, did I just said that. Something must be wrong with me today but even if she aint cute, I still don't like it when I was the victim of this whole situation

Someone tap my back "mannn, you sure know how make fun of her" he said laughing

"dude, it wasn't me" I put on the annoying face but he doesn't believe.

"Kaden!!" someone grab my back shirt and pull me to the back where there are no people

"I told you not to mess with her!" it was Nate. Whoa, at least someone was not praising on how 'good' I was doing this

"dude, it wasn't me. Why the hell no one consider my opinion"

"because you fool, no one here really have the intention to do it besides you, even the jerkiest and You're the bad boy from Jackson Ville" what, really, I have names now.

"you're from Jackson Ville too. you're best friend with me, so why no one thinks it's you?"

"I was and I just said that no one here..."

"okay! I get it"

"include me Kade. I'm the nice guy" he said sarcasticly

"yeah right. Listen Nate, you know me since like forever. Uhh, I sound like a girl. You know I won't do such stuff. Besides, I've known her for only like several days. Now, why in the world would I do such a thing? I may be a jackass, but I'm not that cruel to girls. You know that right. I know you're mad right now, but think logically" I try to convince him. He's my best friend, he should know I would never do that although no one really blames me but I feel guilty like hell.

"hmmmm, yeah. Maybe you're right"

"I am right. I'm the freaking victim of this freaking scheme!"

"so, who would have done this?"

"if you ask me, I think someone's not fond of her or having a grudge on her"

"but why now? and she's not even popular or a threat to the popular group"

"I don't know man. You've got to help me. She thinks I did this. I don't want her thinking I did it. I have to prove her wrong" I somehow look worried. I am worried. I don't want her hating me. For some odd reasons, I just want her to be her. Always mocking me and all the sarcasm she gave me. Those funny faces of hers when I say something cheesy and when I made a joke, her face went red. I only known her for three days and there's just so much more of her I want to know.

"hey man. Heard you made a girl cry"

"you believe that? I didn't do it" this time it was Adam, he came with Mason. Adam sort of my friends here along with Mason. Nate introduce us and we became good friends.

"they said it like that, which is why I'm here. To ask you the truth" this is the good thing about Adam. Always wise with everything. He wants to be a lawyer or more like he has to since his parents has a law firm. Yup! He's loaded

"I didn't do it okay. I don't know how to prove it since I just know her and don't really know who likes her or hate her so I don't know where to start"

"then go talk to her" Maon said

"easy for you to say. If went to her now, I would probably be a corpse by now"

"is she really that scary?"

"not really, but she is now. stop asking stupid question Mase"

"hey, just want to know the details"

"guys" I point at Nate, Mason and Adam "what should I do, this is usually not me begging for some solution, but seriusly, this is way out of my hand"

"we'll help. Don't worry bout it. We'll gather infos and came up with something" I hope there is something we could dig out


Its kinda boring but I hope you like it. Hehe.

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