Unbelievable (AkazaxKoyuki)

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Agents Purple and Blue, report to HQ. We have found the whereabouts of Kizuki, Upper Two.

Shinobu jumped up to the sound of her title, anxiously griping the cup coffee in her hands as she gazed at her comrade, who was sipping his frappuccino, his fingers drumming on the thin plastic. 

"Is something wrong, Kocho?" he murmured. 

"Nothing, just a mission," she grinned, a mask hovering over her face. 


They weren't supposed to know each other's names. Instead, the identities of the police authority had remained confidential, so lives would not be compomised in the process. Even to their own comrades, the members of the Corps could not show their faces, whether it was an office or out in the field. 

Their masks were securely fastened with a metal pin, and they could not be broken without a special key

So the fact that Blue called her Kocho was a secret, meant only to be between them. 


"We have found the whereabouts of Upper Kizuki Two. It seems he has been a little... sloppy." the informant grunted. 

"Sloppy?" Purple titled her head to the side in a curious attempt to gain more information. 

"Y-Yes. I have not found him myself, but he seems to go between the supermarket adn was careless enough to get caught on a camera. We have confirmed his identity with HQ." he instructed.

Blue nodded. 

"Is the mission urgent?" 

"We believe that he might be moving his location soon, for fear of routine. This may be one of the last days you may be able to catch him off guard and put him in prison. 


Shinobu paled. 

It was only a few minutes after her text to her longtime best friend, Soyama Koyuki. She was a kind, sweet, tender girl with big pink eyes and a warm smile. 

Lately, she had gone missing, which was almost normal for her. She had been sneaking out since they were kids. 

"Excuse me, I have to take this." 


"Koyuki, where are you?" Shinobu hissed. 


She sounded panicked, but at the same time, calm. Shinobu slowed her breathing. 

"I can't come back home," she informed, "but please, don't look for me. I swear, I'm not in trouble, so please, don't look." 

"Koyuki, I can't take your side until I understand." 

"Shinobu, I swear, I am not in trouble," she firmly declared, "so please, don't worry. Say goodbye to my father for me." 

It was a kind reassurance, but it left her feeling angered.

How could she possibly understand if her best friend wouldn't elaborate?


"Kocho. Is something wrong? Come on, we need to scout out of the area." Blue demanded. 

"Tomioka-san, is that impatience I hear in your emotionless voice?" she teased, wiping away all concern and disbelief. 

"Of course not." 


"This is the warehouse that the informant was talking about." 

Though her mind should be on the mission, Purple was too focused on her friend's demand that she not worry. 

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