Ripples on the Water (GiyuxShinobu)

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Giyu traced the ripples of the water with a small stick he had found lying in the dirt. His cottage was decorated with the promise of a new year, though his hope for a new year had died along with her. 

Her face was all that he saw as he aimlessly tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. 

"Shinobu... I'm so sorry." 

For the second time that day, he burst into tears at the sound and thought of her voice, her name, and her face. 

Quiet tears were what filled his eyes, blurring his vision. Wanting to be rid of the sadness and the hopelessness, he closed his eyes. 


He found himself in a meadow, decorated with the colors of her favorite flowers. The sky was endlessly blue, not like the grey sky that covered the world back home. 

"Ara-ara, Tomioka-san, did you miss me after all?" 

Ignore her. 

Ignore her. 

Ignore her. 

It must be some kind of Demon Blood Art. Some kind of trick to lure him to the cliff of death. Something that would entrance him to jump off. 

"Tomioka-san... wouldn't you like to say goodbye?" she whispered. 

Don't turn around. 

Don't turn around. 

"Moshi-moshi~ are you ignoring me?" she poked his elbow, just like she used to do when they went on late night walks in the Hashira Gardens. 

He didn't reply to her pleading voice. 

"Kanae-san is waiting for me, but I wanted to say goodbye first," she pleaded again, "Giyu. Please. Don't make me leave this life with regrets."

"Goodbye, Tomioka-san..."

She was enveloped by a warmth, his warmth. He sobbed quietly into her shoulder, yet she had already let go, her hold slipping. 

"Why did you have to go?!" he wailed, grasping her tighter, yet the more he did so, the quicker she faded away. 

"We'll see each other again soon, T-Tomioka-san." 

And soon, her form faded away until he was holding himself tightly. not wanting to let the feeling of her frame leave his senses. 

Realizing he was holding something captive, the air around his hands moved with uncertainty. as he opened them, to reveal a purple butterfly, just like that of her hair clip. He smiled silently, before nodding as the butterfly turned to face him. 


He opened his eyes again, finding his face closer to the water. The ripples on the water continued endlessly, just like watching something repeat itself, over and over again. His eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of her silhouette, his nose catching her scent. Looking behind him for a sign of life, disappointment filled his eyes as he realized that he would never see her again. 

But he believed in her words. 

"Thank you, Shinobu." 

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