chapter 9

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Iwoke up again around 10 pm dueto being cold and I noticed Steven was slightly shivering in his sleep. So i got up and grabbed one of the blankets from my room and draped it over him. I was going to go back to my room when I felt a hand on my wrist "where are you going y/n?" I glanced down to notice Steven was just barely awake so I said in a quiet tone "steven iwas going to bed cause it's 10 pm and i didnt want to wake you" Steven just sighed and said "It's 10? . I Jeez but I don't really wanna get up. I'm kinda comfortable" I just shrugged and said "goodnight,steven" and I turned the lights off and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and went to the living room to see Steven wasn't there? Until I smelt something in the kitchen so I walked over and saw Steven cooking something that smelled like fried eggs and bacon! Steven heard me come in and said "Oh! Uh good morning! I made breakfast as a sort of thank–you for letting me stay here" that was so sweet! How could I deserve it after what I did to his pizzeria though? "Thanks a ton steven!" I said smiling, my face reddened when I saw my tail seemed to be wagging. Steven just chuckled at this and said "suppose it will be easier to tell how you feel! I am terrible at reading social cues!"I smiled at this while Steven continued to cook the eggs and I noticed that it was done. After Steven plated it he grabbed a newspaper that he must've got before he came to my house yesterday he just looked up at me and said "I do need to find another job! Don't wanna bother you forever!" I just sighed and replied with "steven! You know you don't bother me! Sure, you were a strict boss but with what did Jack and Dave did? I would be too!" Steven seemed to be happy at this and just said "thanks" . I took a bite of the eggs and they were amazing! They were the best I ever had! I chuckled and said "with how good these eggs are you might wanna be a chef ya know" steven seemed to be flustered at this and said "oh i dont know i'm not that good..." i gave him a 'really?' look and he just rubbed the back of his neck and i just said "steven....about the pizzeria i am really sorry..." steven just glanced upland sighed putting the newspaper that he had down and putting this hand on his. Head? Dial? And just said "dave has done it before and I hated the place anyway and I could tell you didnt want to. Even when we were in the pizzeria with that ashamed look I would have to be insane to think you would want to burn it down!" i just gave a light hearted smile as I finished my food and put my plate in my sink. I gave a hug to Steven before going out to think. Leaving a seemingly flustered steven in my tracks, why would he be flustered? While I was out I ran into Matt again and I gave him a hug. Matt seemed happy to see me even more happy than I was. "Why did you leave? " I said Matt just shrugged and replied with ''I don't like Steven that much. You know why" I just waved goodbye while walking off'' I'm looking for another job! See you later!" Matt replied with "see ya" As i walked i saw a newspaper bin and decided what the heck? I might as well look and I saw that there was an opening for a new daycare! I could definitely get this job!! I walk to where the address states to go. After I got there and walked in, I talked to my boss about past jobs and why I wanted to work there.and i got the job! I practically ran home to tell Steven the good fund him passed out on the couch.... I just sighed and got the blanket from earlier to hear a knock on the door so I quickly put the blanket on Steven and answered the door...Matt! I welcomed him in and said "sorry about steven i would move him but i don't wanna disturb him" matt froze for a second and shrugged "we can go hang out at my place if you want?" I smiled at this and said "sure!" Then I heard something behind me as Matt's smile changed back to his...creepy one... "jeez how long was I out" Steven was up! I turned around and said "i don't know, I just got home but i got a job at a daycare near here! And uh, I'm going to hang out with Matt for a while! See you later steven!" Steven just got up seemingly annoyed? I wonder why "see ya just keep him away from me" this caused matt to chuckle and he just wrapped his arm around me as we walked to his houch chatting as we did when we got there he said "ill take you for that mario kart round now if you want?" he said in a challenging tone "give me the controller" and that he did. We must've played for a few hours at least because when i looked at the clock it was now 5 pm?! I got up and said "sorry man i gotta go steven will worry if im gone for to long considering i don't think he trusts you " matt just shrugged and said "see you later" i said as a walked out the door and the way home when i got there i was met with a pacing steven. "Did you miss me that much Venn?" steven froze for a second seemingly at the nickname "i-i was worried! You know how creepy matt is! And what's with the nickname?" I just shrugged and said "I'm flattered" and walked to the kitchen to make something for myself when Steven said "you're lucky you came when you did! Your food could've gotten cold!" That's when I noticed that there was food waiting for me! Hamburgers! I turned around and hugged Steven "thank you!" Steven froze up for a bit and hugged back we stopped i suddenly blushed "I uh should probably eat..." I said with Steven just going to his room... he seemed somehow flustered? Why would he be after what I did to him? I finished eating and went to bed. Tomorrow will be a big day!

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