Chapter 10

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I was awoken by Venn shaking my shoulder "y/n!" he said in a hushed tone "wake up! You have work!" ugh... I got ready and walked to work. Venn gave me a lunch box. He's so sweet! Until i got a call. Work...weird..i answered to be met with "we are really sorry but we need you to take the night shift instead" i went quiet for a moment before replying with "that's fine!" I hung up the phone and turned to Steven "Sorry Steven but they changed me to night shift i will probably eat it at work though!" Steven just shrugged and said "wait where did you say you worked at again?" (creds to my friend for this idea) "oh! It's a sister location from our old one... circus baby's pizza world, i believe!" Steven just said "oh cool just wanted to know" while walking out the door to the living room. I just started making a pot of coffee before sitting down in the living room sighing "shouldn't you go back to bed? The night-shift starts at 12 pm." steven said looking at me with the same authority he used to and just chucked a bit "my sleep schedule isn't the best so i wont be able to go back to sleep" Steven just turned on a bake off show to watch while i watched with interest. I love these sort of shows! I felt Steven gaze at me but I brushed it off as me being weird. I got up to check on my coffee it had just finished so i made myself a cup and went to sit back down. But then it hit me why i had actually had horns

3rd grade my age was 8 it was normal until i had looked in the mirror that day "MAMA" i had shouted there were horns poking out of my head i was so scared my mom had ran down the hall to find me nearly in tears as she had picked me up "honey it will be ok! This is a normal thing for you! I promise" she had said while my tail had curled up around her hand "mama im scared!" I blurted out, quivering a little. My mom just hummed "you will have to meet your father earlier than i thought... " she walked for a bit until i realized that we were outside "lance come here now!" my mom shouted while something big came out of the woods "thats your father sweetheart!" my mom said as she sat me down he was big and scary ...and he has horns and a tail just like me!! Little me had thought my father didnt care though he just picked me up like i had weighed nothing at all and said "you will show your horns again when someone i know brings them out in you whatever you do little one do not trust the man named henry miller"

All these thoughts came to me so quick i didn't know what to think. I had placed one of my hands over my mouth and the other on the counter trying to choke back tears. Steven walked in saying "y/n? Whats taking so-...ARE YOU OKAY?!" darting over hugging me i couldn't hold back in the tears any longer "i-i remembered why i actually have horns i-its not because of henry" i herd a voice behind me "it took you long enough to find out, dear" i felt stevens hands protective wrap around me more. I had turned to see who it was "DAD?!" I blurted out even more tears in my eyes than before Steven had let go when I said that I ran over to hug my father, tears streaming down my face. My father just hugged me tight saying "i missed you too dear and about the henry situation" he had let me go "he controlled you into agreeing" that made since... i had never agreed to something that fast before that "but why would you know about that" my father smiled at me "well ive been watching the whole time and i'm not mad about the henry thing" i smiled up at him "i AM about the fact that you've been flirting with two people him being one of them" i felt heat rise to my cheeks ''wh-what are you talking about! We're just friends!" my father just stared at me "whatever you say" while shrugging " oh and matt is on his way he wants to hang out" I breathed in trying to shake off the fact i knew my father was right.Thats when i heard the doorbell ring that must be matt. I walked over to open the door to be met with him "hey man come on in! I have a visitor" I said while pulling him in. my father was right behind me matt giving him that same glare he did Mark i just gave him a 'really' look and said "this is my DAD matt no reason to give him a death glare" my father butted in "i understand that you in particular matt, had a feud with the man named henry miller while he was here correct? You might be able to help me" Matt had paused for a moment turning towards me looking confused while still giving that bone chilling smile. I just shrugged and said "my father was an enemy of henrys as well apparently i was being mind controlled" All emotion seemed to drop from Matts face Steven walked in "alright y/n is my friend and if he did something like that to they don't like what happens next" i just froze for a second "i know who else we will need the help of but i don't think they will be so quick to agree" matt and steven seemed to look at me knowing who i was talking about .

We needed Dave and jack. We have no choice. Dave because he used to know Henry. Then we have jack the soulless one. Henry had told me this. I looked at Steven to ask him for help where they lived so it would be easier to find them. When we arrived at Jack's house I stood waiting for him to answer. When we did he had said "oh its you. The one working with Henry" I froze for a second before answering with ''I know you hate me for that but I need your help to take him down! He was an old enemy of my fathers. That's how he knew I was easy to control." Jack just stared at me and said "and I should believe you, why?" i just signed motioning for my father to come closer as dave came closer he froze "h-hey if henry is messing with you as he d-did me you shouldnt be around him when i did the outcome wasn't good " i stared at dave for a second his statement proving me to be telling the truth to jack "dave this is my father and i need both of you to help me take down henry once.and.for.all" dave smiled at me "that sounds rad and we can go to vegas after to celebrate!" i stared at him "if you help me and we successfully win i will pay for the entire trip to vegas" dave looked ecstatic and so did jack "DID YA HEAR THAT SPORTSY! THEY'LL PAY FOR THE WHOLE THING!!!!!" dave shouted while shaking jack repeatedly jack just gave dave a smile "so, you're in? That's good we will need you both on our side however only the unnatural can go into the void" me father had said i just stared at him and replied with "are you serious? Jack is soulless, Steven has a phone for a head, Dave is missing SEVERAL organs and matt...Matt is matt...." Dave and Jack froze for a second before dave asked "how do you know all of that?" looked over at him " Henry told me all of this. Not knowing i could use it to my advantage" my father forze for a second ''now he said a portal thig opening behind him "we go to the void" he said pulling us all in. There he was henry miller. UGH i cant believe him "ah visitors"

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