~𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜~ 𝚂𝚊𝚠𝚢𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠/ 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜/𝚘 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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(requested on my Tumblr)

tinker sawyer-

● Tinker is definitely the most creative one out of the bunch, while he may not be what most people think when they think 'artist' and as much as he denies it, this man is talented.

● I mean with all his metal-working, trap designing, and making stuff to improve the house, it'd be hard for him not to develop creative talents.

● He has a bunch of used notebooks full of different ideas for stuff scattered around his room and his workspace in the barn.

● But of course, every creative person gets creative blocks, even ones who deny being creative, so he definitely sympathizes with you.

● He'll try his best to help you get out of the blocks, even though he doesn't really know-how.

● he usually just powers through his blocks since the state of the house depends he's creativity so his helping may just make it worse at first.

● but once he understands that it doesn't work for you, he'll try to come up with some other methods to help.

● you get to be one of the few people(aka, the only person) allowed to go through his notebooks if you need inspiration.

● you're always welcome to sit in the barn and write/draw as he works, it may get loud sometimes due to power tools and what-not but it's the quietest place in the sawyer's residence.

● he'll gladly read your writing and give feedback but all he really reads are informational books so he probably doesn't really understand it completely if it's fanfiction or something.

● he'll still support you the best he can.

alfredo sawyer-

● This man doesn't have a creative bone in his body, the only creative thing he does is make his weird little collages with his magazines.

● But just because he isn't creative doesn't mean he wants you not to be, he loves your drawings.

● He's got a whole little area in the gas station of just the stuff you've given him (he was super proud when he first showed you it)

● He's more than willing to read the stuff you write but do not use him as a proofreader because he knows absolutely nothing about proper grammar and will say it's amazing even if it's just gibberish.

● He's not quite sure what to do when you hit a creative block other than forcing you to help him with his collages.

● It doesn't really help but he thinks it does and it makes him happy to spend time with you doing his favorite hobby so he'll keep making you help even after you explain it doesn't help.

● He's an absolute pervert so any ideas you get from him are NSFW.

● He'll use his magazines for references when he's trying to give you ideas.

● Definitely has requested self-inserted smut on more than one occasion.

● Gets really confused and defensive when/if you say no.

● "What! Why not? You said you wanted an idea!"

Tex sawyer-

● tex is creative but it's all in "homemaking" talents, like baking and sewing.

● though his creative talents aren't really something huge in his daily life, so the few times he's gotten blocks it didn't really matter because he just didn't bake or sew for a bit.

● but he still does his best to help you out of slumps.

● he'll give you flowers and suggest trying to sketch them, he's even willing to attempt drawing them with you.

● Your lack of motivation actually inspires a monthly date where the two of you do something creative together, like painting, sculpting, or even just some of the craft kits that stores sell in the toy aisles.

● his art skills are slowly improving, while he's not looking to become an artist he gets so proud and giddy when one of your couple projects comes out good.

● tex secretly reads cheesy romance novels and has a big stash of them hidden in his closet underneath clothes he doesn't wear.

● He absolutely marks pages with scenes that stick out to him. rather it's blue for scenes that made him cry, red for the steamy scenes, or green for scenes that make him cringe in second-hand embarrassment.

● no one can change my mind on this.

● (also if he trusts you enough to tell you about it and you tell anyone else it will literally break his heart since it's such a personal thing to him. so you better keep it to yourself)

● so of course he'd love to read any of your writing, especially if it's romance-based. kinda shocking when he give advice on it, especially if it's before you know about his reading hobby.

● "I know what you're tryin' do here but ____ confessed kinda fast, don't ya think?" "wh-" "I'm just sayin slow burn would make more sense for these characters"

● he's always there to give suggestions on stuff, y'all will probably have a couple of the creative dates about writing.

● you're also allowed to read his novels, just make sure you put them back and don't let anyone know whose book it is. And don't be surprised when the love interests do some of the cute things tex has been doing your whole relationship.

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