Ch1- Arcana & Will

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Harry's POV:

       I am the 'boy who lived', and what they don't know is that I lived twice. Yes, you heard me correctly. Only Sirius knows about this. I'm not completely naive to tell Dumble-ass, aka Dumbledoor, everything. You see, I end up dying my first year at Hogwarts.

     If you guess from trying to save that stone; you be right. Voldemort took my life to help support his. That should have been my first eye opener. Anyways how I 'survived' that was something, which Sirius thinks is bad ass. What was it you may ask? Well I'll tell you. Not one, but four Arcana Tarocco cards, or as they describe themselves, made a contract with me. The Arcana Tarocco cards are magical and other worldly tarot cards. They are not very known in Britain, let alone the magical world. Their names were the Sun or II Sole, the Devil or II Diabolo, the Empress or L'Imperatrice, and the Priestess or LA Papessa. I call them Diavo, Empry, Papessa, and Sole. They don't seem to mind too much. As a sign of the contract, I have a mark that symbolizes such. The small crowned wing is on my hip low to my waist line. That is Empry's mark. Diavo's mark is underneath my knife holster; it looks like a mutated evil mask of some sort. Which is my left arm by the way; we'll get to why I have a knife holster later. A mark that looks like shadow of a person in an outline of some type of door way, would be Papessa's mark. It is so small it's barely noticeable on my collar bone near my shoulder on my left side. Sole's is in my left eye, changing the shape of my pupil. The black swiveling like sun stands out in my green eye that looks like it practically glow. My other eye looks like it glows as well of course. Sole helps keep me alive and the other contracts I made work in harmony with in me, along with leassing the damage I take. Papessa gives me phase able black wings to fly in the sky. Diavo blesses me with hell like powers. Examples of this would be bending and controlling of blood, summon dark mist like chains out of no were, and when worked with Sole I can create blue or green flames in my hands. The color depends on if I'm list or not. Empry gave me a gift I didn't understand why till I was older. The gift of birth; I didn't understand till I realize that I'm gay.

     Now to explain why I called Dumbledoor as Dumble-ass and to why I carry a knife. It's quite simple really. I don't trust them. My history at Hogwarts and what I have uncovered is proof enough. I discovered Dumbledore has been stealing from me and Sirius. And after Sirius death, I decided to say fuck them and leave, especially when Dumb-fuck tried to have me not go listening of will.

     Which brings us to where I am now, and the way I am dressed, you would think I'm a Death Eater student of Lucius Malfoy. I made an agreement with Lucius Malfoy and Voldemort about the prophecy and this damn war. Believe it or not I'm quite good at divination. I cracked the prophecy, told Voldemort, and made an arrangement. And after healing him a bit, he agreed. With access to my mind, once he finds out my new life I made; he promises not to fuck with it and rules the magic realm. With Lucius I had him promise to find a way to have Bellatrix dead. He apparently doesn't like her either. But anyways, I'm being escorted to the hearing by the goblins; dressed in dark unicorn hair dress-shirt, black silk tie. My hair was now longer and looked a sexy mess than the untameable mess. My eyes were also fine, so no glasses. They got fixed after the deal with Sole. My sleeves were rolled up to my elbows. The goblin had my knife currently, which I was cool with. I was allies with the goblins due to several business agreements. With the galleons they get; they won't ever cross me. The King is actually quite good company in fact. I finally enter the room and sit by Lucius. He nods to me in acknowledgement, and I nodded back. Narcissa smiled and Draco looked at me warily. 'Probably the new look', I thought. Draco knew everything; we didn't even really fight anymore after some talking. But, I know damn well he has never seen me like this. That and he is probably wondering what I do to Ass 1 and 2.

       I wait in my eat and look around the room. The Ass 1 and 2 are Hermione and Ronald. They were here along with Dumbledoor, rest of Weasel thieves, except for Fred and George who also know and understand; Remus, then the two members of the Black family that were disowned before my time. Fred and George where away from everyone else, and staying neutral in the war. They made a lot more profit that way anyhow. Plus I was part owner in their establishment and honorary brother to them.

    I wait in my seat and look around the room. Ads 1 and 2 are Hermione and Ronald. They were here along with Dumbledore, rest of the Weasel thieves, except for Fred and George who also know and understand; Remus, then two members of the Black family that were disowned before my time. Fred and George where away from everyone else, and staying neutral in the war. They made a lot more profit that way anyhow. Plus I was part owner in their establishment and honorary brother to them.

     The reading began, which was a magical hologram. Sirius apparently had good foresight as well. The reading practically told off the thieves, Dumbles, and Bellatrix. He gave Grimulod to the twins, French Black house to Narcissa, and all Regulus's belongings to Draco, Remus got enough gold to finally take better care of himself, and I was made head of house of Black. Part of the reading was me going through a blood ritual to turn half of both of my parents' blood into Black line. I had to drink a vile of Sirius blood while I cut my palm onto parchment that he had already done. I was now Serpenus Harry Black-Potter. I had a name changed during the ritual. Sirius had my first name changed to my middle name and changed my first to that of a constellation. Or at least close to one.

    Now the talks; man... I was not looking forward to talk to Dumble-ass. At least my mind was protected. "Nice look Lord Black," Draco says to me calmly. I smirk at him. "We're family Draco. You can call me Serpenus," I replied. He gives a brief smile that only I catch and nods in agreement. Hermione looks shocked with a blush on her face; probably thinking of trying to convince Dumbles to switch her and Ginny on the marriage contract that I had destroyed. Remus is the first to approach me with a soft smile on his face. "He did always say he wanted a son. I'm sure he is proud of whatever decision you make Har- Serpenus," he tells me then gives a squeeze to my shoulder. 'I'll be damn, Moony knows', I thought. "Thanks Uncle Moony," I tell him giving him a similar look. He gives a bone crushing embrace for a few seconds then leaves. That was one less worry I had hanging over my head. "You hanging with Death Eaters now? Couldn't get enough warship could you? Or you enjoy being on the ground licking peoples boots?" I hear Ronald snark at me. I turn to look at him. He was all red in the face and Ginny was besides him looking starry eyed. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone, "Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I have a feet fetish. But I hear Ginny knows all kinds of fetishes, isn't that right Weaselette?" Score 3 Black, 0 Weasels. They were all jaw dropped except Fred and George. They pat me on my back on the way out and told me to at least write them and tell them my new living address when I find a place.  Dumble-ass finally exploded after that. "I absolutely forbid this Harry. You must be very I'll. You must change everything back and go stay at the Dursleys," He fake concerned tone orders me. "Mr. Black has been legally emancipated. Making him no longer under your care Headmaster. Now if you'll excuse us, the Black family will be going out to eat. Come along Draco, Lord  Black," Narcissa calmly speaks. And we followed, and left.

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