Chpt 8- Stupid Idiots

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    "Dante.... . . . Jolly.... . . .! YOU IDIOTS!" I yelled at them. I was beyond pist and my magic was cracking the wooden table that I slammed my hands on top of. "I get the cellar of disobeying orders but you practically set it up so they would. Not only that, but Papa has asked me to check on uncle and I up and find him missing then later with unnecessary bruises. I ought to torture your asses and chain you up to the ceilings!!" I ranted off. They both looked at me wide eyed. Papa and Mama were in the room as well and had slight smirks on their faces. "Arcana works like magic, use to much and you could literally put yourself into a coma; yet YOU STILL WANTED TO TEST THEM!" I scolded. I pulled out my magic guns and aimed them at Jolly and Dante. "FLIPENDO!" I yelled as I pulled the trigger. They both got flipped and slammed into the wall hard enough to make a dent. I then stormed out of the room.

       It has been a few days since I used magic on Jolly and Dante. Felicita and I were to join Luca, Pace, and Debito on Mama's request. I of course dragged Draco into this. "Alright everyone we're almost there," Luca tells us. "Harry," Draco pants, "when this is all over I'm killing you," Draco mumbles to me. Luca let's there be a break. This really isn't bad. Draco, Felicita, Debito, and Pace were all panting heavily. "I think this every year, but, this is too far away," says Debito. "No kidding," commented Pace. "I know it's so we can do it behind Jolly's back and all but-," he continues. "Behind Jolly's back?" asked Felicita. "Indeed I am. I'm sure your aware that I'm growing a nice verify of herbs for alchemy in the yard correct?" Luca starts. "Get to the point of why we are walking so far Luca," Draco snaps. I laugh a little as Luca continues, "That terrible person uses them without my permission and in huge quantities." "Well he believes 'what's yours is mine'," replied Debito. "So I made a small herb garden out here were he can't find it," finished Luca. "You could call it Luca's secret base. And we all get dragged out here once a year to help you harvest all your little herb," commented Pace. "I had no idea," replied Felicita. "Kind of reminds me of Snape really, only you're a he'll of a lot nicer Luca," I say to them. "Milord, even someone like me has a secret or two," Luca states back to me. 'I wander what he means by that,' I thought. "Felicita are you wearing strong perfume by chance?" Draco asked. He was sitting besides her so it wasn't like a weird question, especially since he was a Valkery; meaning he had a stronger nose than the typical being. "No, why do you ask Draco," Felicita responded. "Never mind then, it could be just nature messing with my nose. I have a delicate nose that's sensitive to smells at times," Draco answers her. "And a delicate ego too," I mentioned. Before Draco could say something about that, Pace starts mentioning food and shares the morning snack with us. Draco starts chuckling while looking at me. "What?" I asked; " this is really de-," I stated. "Delicious right," finished Pace. Pace then wiped some cream from the corner of my mouth and put it in his, smiling at me. "Pa..ce....," Luca started. "Hu?" responded Pace. Luca looked so melancholy. "Did I do something wrong?" Pace asked. Debito laughs with a smirk on his face hoping Pace would get into trouble. "Even I never done anything like that to Milord," Luca says tearfully then runs off. We all looked the way he ran confused, except for Draco who just kept eating. A bit later we were walking through a path and Pace set a trap off, and Felicita of course freaks out drawing her knives. Debito claps and speaks, "Well done, very brave of you. But Bambina, there is nothing to worry about. All the traps that have been laid here are ones devised by Luca." "Oh really?" She asked. "They're to keep Jolly away. Pace, you fell for this exact trap last year; you need to remember these things already," Luca states. "Not possible. This bird brain will forget everything after taking three steps," commented Debito. "Could you please say something in my defense princess," Pace pleaded. "Luca, isn't this going a bit too far?" Felicita asked. "Don't worry. Actually this really wouldn't be enough for Jolly," Luca answers. "Do you not like Jolly? He's your teacher in alchemy isn't he?" She asked. Pace, Debito, and Luca turn sour a bit. "Indeed, that man is a genius alchemist, but I cannot admire him. Please keep your distance from him, Milady." He tells her. "Luca...," she replies. Pace stomach then growls. "You sure eat a lot don't you?" Draco asked. "Well enough chit-chat. Let's all hurry up to the herb garden so we can have some lunch," Pace say to all of us. "There's a shock. Can we just hurry up and get out of this annoying place," Debito says as he starts walking. "Uh Debito not there," Luca try's to warn as Debito sets off a trap. Pace gets ensnared into a net. "Why does it always have to be me, go..d," Pace complains. Felicita lightly laughs while Draco sighs and cuts him down. We continue on. When we get there, Pace cheers, "Woohoo, lunch time;" but Luca ends up handing out the baskets to all except me and Felicita. "If any will not work, neither let him eat. Alright everyone, it's time for super happy fun harvesting time," Luca try to encourage. "Why you so excited?" Pace asked. "There is a certain herb I like to harvest before lunch. Pace please go over there. Debito would you please go over there, and Draco will help me out over this way." Luca commands. "What can I do to be of help," Felicita asked. "We can help too," I mentioned. "Ah of course Milady, Milord; it would just be so perfect if you would just stand right there Milady, Milord." Luca answers. "You got to be kidding right?" Asked Debito. "Your fever has finally gone critical," commented Pace. "Black you better bloody help," scowled Draco. "Let us help Luca. I've worked in a garden before," I stated ignoring Draco's temper. "Let's hurry up and finish so we can have lunch," replied Felicita. "Yes, of course Milady," Luca answers cheerfully. We all got to work. I teached what to look for when harvest. Pace was quick with his work. "And I'm spent. Ah.. Is it time for lunch yet Luca..," Pace groans out. "Please, try to hold out a little longer, according to my calculations we should be almost done," Luca answers. "Are you sure everything is gonna be alright?" Debito asked. I raised a brow at that, and so did Draco. "Is something going on?" Felicita asked. "I'm afraid it's still a secret Milady," Luca replies. Debito chuckles.

    We finally get to start eating. Draco started to eat an apple and after a bit, screamed freaking out. There was a bug inside the apple, so I didn't completely blame him really. Felicita also freaked out. The door to the green house then burst wide open. "Draco!" Liberta called out and Nova called Felicita's name then they stopped dumb founded. "Welcome to the party, you're late," Debito directs to them. "Hey thanks for all the hard work," Pace calls out to them. 'Why do I get the feeling Mama set up something,' I thought. "What was with the screams," Liberta asked. "Draco had a bug in his apple and in the process of freaking out tossed the apple into Felicita's lap," I answered. The kitten I remember seeing was rubbing on Luca's leg. "Thank you for all your hard work," Luca says to the cat as he picks it up. "It appears the potion worked quite well," he stated. "So that's what I was smelling," Draco softly mumbles quietly. "That's right the potion," Liberta started. "It's a potion that Mama asked me to make. However, it's only effective on cats. I left a trail with it leading to us," Luca replied. "Mama asked you," Nova asked sourly. "Indeed," Luca answers. "Come to think of it we were trying to deliver Mama's letters to Princess and Draco," Liberta stated. Nova nods. "Ah now I see," I said. "In short, this was all a surprise from Mama for Bambina, Draco, and two little kids. Or, you could say you fell for her scheme," Debito stated. "Right, and all of us naughty adults was nothing more than Mama's accomplices," Pace said theracatrically. "Did you have fun," Luca asked. "Well looks like their getting along better," I stated. "It wasn't bad," answered Nova. Debito snuffed them; while I was trying not to laugh. Draco and Felicita were reading their letters. "Princess, Draco, what did Mama say?" Liberta asked. They both literally wrinkled their letters with blushes on their faces then stormed off, although Draco did look over his shoulder on the way out. Both boys were confused.

    After they calmed down, we were all lining and positioning ourselves for the picture. "Debito don't look so scary," Pace said. "That was your secret luggage?" Debito asked. I loved the reason behind of why he brought it. We all got a copy of the picture. I was making a magical copy to send to the twins. "Maybe we're all idiots," I said quietly to myself as I look at the picture. I had a hunch of what the letters of said. I notice that Draco was taking a liking to Liberta; as was Felicita to both Nova and Liberta. I sighed and put the picture I copied into the envelope with the letter, gave it to Hedwig, and let her out the window to give to Fred & George. I looked up at the sky wondering what the next adventure will bring.

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