14- Deals&GettingReadyForHogwarts

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    When the others were informed about names, only Luca really freaked out. He is so used to calling me and Felicita; Milord and Milady. Draco said the only way he would be okay to say that was if I replaced and high standing in Slytherin, & Felicita was placed there and show prowness. I was hoping I could asked them to pull a few strings since I was already supposed to be in Slytherin.

       I wasn't surprised when we go warped to a dark glorious manor. Lucius was standing just a few feet from us. "Lord Black, if you, my son, and your company will follow me," he stated. "Of course Lord Malfoy, it is good to see you in good health," stated politely. We were lead to a dining room that had a fire place and an extremely long table. "Ah... Harry.., on time. You all take a seat on this side and we will get started," Voldemort directed to his right where it was empty. On his left an empty chair that Lucius took, then Snape, after him were two others I didn't recognize. Since Voldemort already knew everything, i decided to play it safe still in case Snape rats out that I'm back. I took the chair that was besides Voldemort. Jolly sat besides me and across from Snape, then it was Elmo, Draco, Liberta, Felicita, Nova and then Luca. I notice Snape glancing at Felicita every now and then. 'Probably because she looks close to Lilly,' I thought. "What name did you give the Familiar?" Voldemort asked. "I named it Niccolo," I replied calmly. Voldemort then spoke to Niccolo praising it on a job well done then went back to us. "Introduce your company then we can get down to business," he ordered. "The man besides me is Jolly of the Arcana, who would take the Battle class, and his little helper Elmo. Heir Draco Malfoy of the Malfoy line, and his mate Liberta Malfoy. My sister Felicita Black, and my cousin Nova Kazuma, and then Luca of the Arcana, who will take potions class," I spoke calmly and with authority. Voldemort just nodded. "Severus is the Headmaster of the school under my authority. The Carrows are the discipline comity at Hogwarts; they will also be part of the guards at Hogwarts," Voldemort stated. "Mondo sends his regards and hopes that working together would be beneficial for all of us," Jolly spoke. "As do I. Severus, you will show Jolly, his helper, and Luca around Hogwarts, and get them settled in. Luscious will take Harry and the others shopping then I will bring them to the station myself to go to Hogwarts," Voldemort said with Authority and if I didn't know better, I would said with glee.

    Felicita, Nova, Liberta, Draco, and I were now with Lucius. I felt bad because he had to go with us everywhere. We first went to Gringotts to get the money. Draco was paying for Liberta as I was paying for Nova and Felicita in case we were being watched. We first got the wands for them. Nova got Ebony with Threstral hair. Felicita got Holly, like mine, with a double core of Unicorn hair and Dragon heart-string. Liberta's took a bit to find. He got Dragon bone with core of hair from Arion soaked in mermaid tears. His wand looked like a green carved bone; almost as sharp as his sword, but the handle was simple. Uniforms weren't really required from us according to Mucous so we got ties that would turn the house colors. That I was happy about; since I was going as Serpenus Black than Harry Potter. Which also ment I was getting resorted as well, I was very happy about that as well. After all of our school shopping we made one more stop, before we left. We went to Fred and George's shop. I automatically get all of repast the entry prank that the twins set up, which got their attention. "Well if it isn't our sponsor in crime," said Fred. "Who knew you would be popular at this rate," commented George. "Good to see you guys too. How's business?" I asked them. "Besides tje Flaming chicken trying to convince to leave this baby behind," started Fred, "And interrogate us about you," commented George, "We've been having a lot of business," they finished together. I smiled. "Serpenus, who are they?" Felicita asked. "Why little bro," started Fred, "How could," said George, "You forget"- Fred, "To introduce"- George, "Us to"- Fred, "The Lady that"- George, "Has eyes as green"- Fred, "As yours," they said together. Felicita laughed. "This is my sister Felicita that I told you about. Felicita, this is Fred and George. We used to be in the same house, and help each other out. They are also owners of this Joke shop," I introduced them to each other. "Hello, it's nice to meet you," spoke Felicita. Fred and George meet the others and was informed on what was going on. That's when the twins smirked. "I bet 5 galleons Liberta and Felicita goes into Gryffindor," betted Fred. "I bet 10 galleons that I can get everyone into Slytherin," I replied. "I say Liberta and Felicita go into Huffelpuff," betted George. We agreed. Fred and George gave me this year's sample, and then we left to go back to the now new Riddle manor.

~time skip~

     We had got into our Arcana uniforms and put our new ties on. Voldemort was dropping us off at the station. We had ten minutes before the train took off. "Serpenus, I expect wondrous things from you. You will see they are not as bad as they were told to be," Voldemort tells me before I get on. I nod and he leaves. We all had our luggage shrunken into our pockets. Hedwig and Fukulota had to stay back home just in case we had trouble. Niccolo did stay with me for two reasons. One was Voldemort's chosen has arrived{meaning easing Voldemort's nerves}, and two he was really good company with everyone. Even though Niccolo was part Tiger, he looked more like part panther really with how black he was.  His eyes were red with snake pupils. We all found a compartment and got in. Me and Draco took the spots by the window, Nova and Liberta took the ones by the door, and Felicita sat besides me and Nova. "Serpenus, how are we all get into the same house?" asked Felicita. "Just asked the hat to be put into Slytherin. It's how I got into Gryffindor last time," I told them. Draco just blinks at me then shakes his head. "Honestly Black, sometimes I forget you're a miracle worker," replied Draco. "What's the matter Cousin? Looking forward to a cleening Parkinson?" I asked playfully. Draco shudders and I laughed. Liberta looked confused. Nova sighed. "Don't worry about it Liberta," said Nova. "I know we are on a job, but you can at least lighten up a bit Nova," stated Liberta. A knock was at our compartment door; I look up to see Luna Lovegood at the door. I smiled and waved her in. "Hello Serpenus, Quibbler?" said Luna. I laughed for I still believe she is part seer. "Hey Luna, why don't you join us and meet my Family?" I asked her. "I would love to, but I believe I would blow your cover if I do. I see you got less horn-nats going around your head. That's good. Just so you know, me and my father are on your side, not the flaming chicken or the Bumble Army; though those lessons were fun," she stated. I bought two Quibblers, one for Felicita to look at and one for Liberta. Then Luna left. Draco gives me a raised eyebrow. I just laughed.

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