15- Being Sorted&Called What?

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        The freshman got sorted and now it was our turn. Ms. McGonagall was still doing the sorting. "Now for our transfers for 6th year. Mr. Liberta Malfoy," she called. Liberta ruffled his hair and looked back at me. I nodded my head, then he went to the stool and sat. The hat then spoke, "Ah I see, well by law I know exactly where to put you. SLYTHERIN!" Liberta sighed as the hat was removed from his head, and went to sit by Draco. I saw almost every Gryffindor scowl at him. I was surprised to see Ron and Hermione there. I figured they would be in hiding too. "Mr. Nova Kazuma," called Ms. McGonagall. The hat barley touched his head when it yelled, "SLYTHERIN!" I chuckled, because it was like Draco though Nova wasn't being cocky about it. He sat across from Draco. Besides Nova was still plenty of room for me and Felicita. "Miss Felicita Black," McGonagall called. Her eyes went wide when Felicita walked up there. 'She must look really similar to mom if even McGonagall freaked out,' I thought. The hat was placed on her head and it spoke, "Well well, you are almost like your Aunt; only more dignified. She was a Gryffindor." I saw Felicita whisper to the hat to put her in Slytherin. I wonder if the hat was forced to speak out loud this time, now that I truly thought of what I was hearing. "Not Gryffindor eh? Yes, you would do better in SLYTHERIN!" the Hat yelled. I saw Liberta, Draco, and Nova sighed in relief. I fixed my silver suit, dark unicorn hair shirt and tie to where it was presentable but not to classy as I wait for my name to be called as Felicita went to her seat. Niccolo started to stretch for he was going to walk with me. I saw McGonagall blink at the paper before she called out, "Mr. Serpenus Black-Slytherin." I sighed and hissed to Niccolo as I slowly walked up. §Did the Dark Lord name me hisss air or something?§ I asked. §I do think he mentioned something about it before I was sent to deliver the message to you§, Niccolo replied. I heard whispers from all tables. I slightly look over to the others as I go up the steps. Draco was pinching his nose like he had a migraine. I look up to Luca and Jolly before I turn to sit. Luca look irritated and Jolly was calm as usual. I sit down and the Hatwas put on my head. "Ah so back here again are we? Now you see I was right?" It started. 'Does everyone hear you,' I thought. "Yes, everyone hears me. And forgive me when I say I told you so. You are a panther more than what you were called. For you are more like Salazar SLYTHERIN!" The Hat yelled. I sighed at the the thearactrics the Hat pulled. Everyone was in shock except my family. Snape was even wide eyed. I took off the hat and put it on the stool. I hissed to Niccolo as I slowly walked to sit by Felicita, §I swear I will Crucio Tom when I see him again. I was supposed to stay low key. Damn it§, I finally sit down. "Everything ok, Serpenus?" Asked Felicita. "Black what is it with you and trouble? And this is my second time with you and trouble. All the Slytherins will challenge you after Luca speaks you know. Felicita too since she has the Black name," Draco tells me. "Damn Voldemort made me his heir," I whispered out of frustration. Draco flinches at that. "Let's just hope he doesn't ask for markings," Draco whispered back. I nodded.

      We were in the Slytherin common room were Luca was giving the rules. "I am Luca, your new Head of house. If I find this place a mess, I will have you clean this place like a bunch of Muggles. That means no magic. You steal from my storage, especially if it is for Professor Jolly, I will hand you over to the disciplinary comity, or use you as a test dummy's for my new potions. Be nice to your fellow house mates. You want to spar; ask me first. Time is same as before, if you are out of the common room at that time there is no mercy for you, and you will miss morning breakfast. I expect everyone to work in all their classes. If you are having problems with mine please seek me out. Even if it is not my class please seek me out for advice. Now I have been informed by the Headmaster that tonight is battle rank night for all houses to represent your heads. There will be two for Slytherin, three-for for Gryffindor, on for Ravenclaw and one for Huffelpuff. As Slytherin I can only give one rule for you. No killing. Killing our fellow house mates would be counterproductive. I am aloud to intervene as I see fit. We all will go to a empty classroom and have it there," Luca stated. 'Must be one of the new things just put in,' I thought. I wasn't against it to be honest. Everyone was too wound up. Even in Slytherin. I felt there was going to be a catch later on though. We went to a classroom that was completely empty in the dungeons. "Okay, since there are only two spots, one will be girls and one will be boys. We will do the girls first," spoke Luca.

     I was surprised on how good Felicita was getting with the spells. I figured she was learning spells through her opponents through her Arcana. For a lot of those spells were considered 'dark' in spell description. When she won, we cheered for her. "Good job Princess," said Liberta. "You did good Fel," replied Nova. "Impressive," stated Draco. "Well done sis, looks like you got the title," I tell her. She smiles. "Now the boys will go next," called out Luca. "Good luck you guys," said Felicita cheerfully. I looked to the others. "Let's finish what we couldn't at the Duello," I tell them.

       Surprisingly it did get down to us four again; even against the 7th years, which me and Draco would have been in. A Blaire Zabinni was below us that was a 7th year. Liberta and Draco were now up. "You going to beat me so you can have your rematch with Nova? If so give me everything you got," Draco spoke. "Sadly I know who is going to win between them. No offense Nova! But I rather battle with a sword than spell. I won't fight you in these conditions Draco. Plus I'm a bit tired. I forfeit and submit to Draco in this match," Liberta replied. "The winner is Draco Malfoy by default. The next match is Serpenus Black versus Nova Kazuma," hollered out Luca. I look over to Nova before I even walk out and spoke to him, "You going to do the same?" Nova 'tched' t me then answered, "I still owe you a fight as promised. I won't back down." He meant the fight for Felicita's hand; I got a big grin as we walk to our spots. "Then I'm definitely not holding back then," I hollered. I heated Draco cuss under hisbreathin the distance.

     Nova was on one knee and I was still still standing, though both of our clothes were cut up pretty good. We were both panting hard as well. "Damn, almost good as Draco for spell casting. First time too. Damn quick study. But there was one thing you forgot," I tell him. He looks up. "The only rule is no killing," I said while smirking. Nova's eyes widen and barely dogged the chains that almost strike him from behind causing him to go out of the fighting platform. "The winner of this match is Serpenus Black," Luca called out. "Damn," Nova lightly cursed. "Good luck withering for her hand next time," I tell him. Nova scowls at me. "Next will be Serpenus versus Draco," Luca tells us. "Come on Dragon! Move it Cousin, you act like we got all night," I called out cheerfully. "Fuck no," Draco says calmly. "Aw ... But I want a rematch," I wined. "I'm not dealing with you in your 'I'm going to take down the Dark Lord or Papa' mode. I forfeit. I'm not dealing with him like this, I had enough of his stupidity at home," Draco states then walks away. "Dre...go...n...," I called out to him. He just looked over his shoulder and said, "Come on Liberta, let's go to bed." Liberta yawns and nods in agreement, and follows. I pouted. 'Damn there goes my fun,' I thought. "Felicita and Serpenus Black are the heads. To stay in this position your grades must match your power. All of you will be rated in the same way as well. Now off to bed all of you," Luca orders. "Milord a moment please," he tells me as everyone heads back. I stayed and waited.

        We end up in his quarters. Luca hands me some tea. As I take a drink, I calm down. "Thanks," I tell him. "This stuff with Voldemort is getting to you isn't Milord?" Luca asked gently. I nodded. "I was hoping it be easier. I had no idea he did that till my name was called. I just was hoping to finish school and maybe . . ." I stopped as my cheeks turned red and I looked away. I then hear a crash and snapped my head around to see that Luca dropped his cup, and his hair was covering his eyes. "Hey, Luca, you ok?" I asked worriedly as I get up setting my cup down. He doesn't respond, so I go to him checking his hands. His hands were fine; not even the white gloves were cut. "Sorry Milord. I did not mean to worry you," he says coldly. "Luca. . ." I said confusingly. "Take that door. It will put you in the common room. It's late Milord," he states as he points to the door. For some reason I felt hurt, but I didn't know why. So I did what he asked, and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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