Chapter 3

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"I see..." my psychiatrist, Dr. Garaki, sighed as I stared at the ceiling. It should trouble me that my thoughts have become increasingly violent, shouldn't it? It didn't even seem to bother Dr. Garaki;  he simply took his notes, shrugging it off nonchalantly. "It appears you might suffer from Quirk Envy."

"... Quirk Envy?" I puffed, sitting up, "Doctor, I believe it may be more complex than-"

"Allow me to explain," he cut me off again, "This person, Izu; he had similar experiences to yours, correct? Growing up Quirkless, being treated as an outcast, bullied as well... That meant he understood exactly what you've struggled through, yes? When he gained a quirk, he no longer suffers the way you suffer."

"I mean, yes, but-"

"Then this would be classified as Quirk Envy, Kyubara," he took off his glasses and cleaned the lenses. "Of course, your tendency to turn to violence might put him in danger; we might need to keep you-"

"Hey; his Quirk wasn't active until Toshi came around!" I snapped.

"You blame Toshi?" Dr. Garaki replied softly as I breathed.

"This whole mess started when Toshi showed up," I sighed, straightening out a bit on the couch, "He started to train Izu." My voice became a hiss. "He must have known Izu had a Quirk... It materialized during his exam, which allowed him to get into the UA." I shook my head in annoyance, "That's all I ever wanted. I wanted to be a hero. Hell, I would have settled to even just help the heroes. But that's the thing: people are assholes."

"People are assholes?" he repeated. I sighed, standing up to look out the window.

"Society sucks," I muttered, "People with Quirks are more common; 80 percent of the world has Quirks. But for us 20%, the minority, are Quirkless. What do people do to minorities? They single them out. They treat us differently. We are nothing more than second-class citizens to them.  That's the issue with Society..." I took a deep breath before I launched out all of my thoughts.

Just then, a nurse walked into the room, a look of panic on her face. Here we go again...

"Dar. Garaki! We have an emergency!" He dropped his notes and hurried off to the ER as I sighed. I can't believe I was about to open up to him...

The nurse bent down to start gathering the notes. I did as well, collecting the notes on me. I read some of them as I stacked them neatly. One of them had instructions to not have the patient read... Medications...?

Thiothixene (Navene)- does not work with the patient; per Mother, had episodes where the patient attacked another child with no memory of said events.

Fluphenazine- does not work with the patient; per Mother and patient, hallucinated bully attack- got patient kicked out of school.

Quetiapine- does not work with the patient; per the Mother, the patient becomes extremely agitated in addition to extreme exhaustion.

Zuclopenthixol- Working; patient complains of hallucinations, but they are farther and fewer between. Per the patient's mother, is OK working from home. May not leave the home at points due to episodes. Will need further examination into her outbursts.

Wait, what? I slipped the piece of paper into my pocket without the nurse noticing me; she was obviously frazzled with the number of papers Dr. Garaki dropped...

She thanked me after I handed her everything. I left soon after, adjusting my hood as soon as I went outside. The nurse quickly rescheduled me to another day, stating that since this appointment was cut short, the next appointment would be free. Cant' say that this doesn't happen too often...

Decisive Judgement- A Tomura Shigaraki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now