Chapter 18

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"All Might..." I whispered as I realized who he really was. It was painfully obvious now. The golden hair, the pro-hero support... "Toshinori Yagi... I should have known..."

"Miss Kyubara," he replied politely, "Please refrain from revealing my true identity in front of a villain."

"...You trained Izu..." I continued, "Why? How did he get that Quirk? He wasn't a late bloomer, was he?!" All Might sighed. "Answer me!" I stomped my foot.

"That's enough, Kyubara!" All Might called out, standing before us. I frowned as Tomura shoved me behind him in a protective stance. "It's quite obvious what has happened! Shigaraki! How dare you corrupt this woman!"

"Corrupt?! It was Society that turned its back on her! I just merely fell in love!" Tomura proclaimed as I blushed with a smile. "What's it to you? She willingly came with me to keep me safe! She has fed me, treated my and my friend's wounds; hell, she keeps me from using my Decay Quirk!"

"Lies," All Might punched the ground, launching Tomura up, "You captured her; gave her Stockholm Syndrome! You have turned her against all heroes! You will die for your sins, Shigaraki!" I watched as Tomura punched him dead in the face. All Might didn't flinch.

"Tomura!" I called out as All Might launched him backwards with a counter punch, knocking him into a collapsed building. I gasped, running to him. "Tomura!"

I shook him awake. He smiled briefly, his mask broken and off at some points. Blood pooled on his lips, dripping from the corner of his mouth. I raised my head as All Might began to walk over to us.

"Run, Kyu..." he breathed, trying to stand up. He grunted, falling back down to his knees. I put my hands on his back as he coughed up some blood. All Might paused to cross his arms in his signature hero pose. How I despised him...

"I'm not leaving you, Tomura," I insisted as All Might laughed. I glared at him. He was the symbol of all heroes... no, he was the symbol of false justice- of a pro-hero society that only has perfect molds. If one doesn't fit, they must suffer...

"Kyu, are you all right?" He asked me softly. Tomura coughed up some blood, wiping his lips with his arm as I moved a few steps forward, shielding Tomura's body.

"Kyu..." he whispered.

"Leave Tomura alone!" I demanded as All Might sighed, kneeling down.

"I'll leave him alone, only if you come back to the facility for treatment," All Might offered his hand to me.

"Treatment ?!" I hissed, feeling rage bubble in my stomach. I put my body between Tomura and All Might.

"You're not thinking clearly," All Might continued, "This mental illness of yours...Psychosis?  This is causing you to-"

"Shut up," I growled, feeling something in my brain snap, "Shut up, shut up, shutupshutupshutup!" All Mighr backed off, sensing the power coming from my veins. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL MIGHT!" I felt plasma at my fingertips as I formed a fist. I decked him, launching him backward through three of the collapsed buildings. "You don't know how I fucking feel!"

Lightning began to envelop me as I became enraged. Tomura removed the remains of his mask, his mouth  slightly agape, as I leapt at All Might.

He tried to block me, but my kicks were stronger than he was,  causing me to shatter his ribs where my foot connected. He grunted, falling to one knee.

"What... What is this...?" All Might coughed up some blood as I growled. He wiped his mouth, glaring at me. "What are you doing, Kyu?!"

"Here's the thing, All Might," I grunted, rolling my shoulder back with a satisfying crack, "I have a Quirk." I charged up again, feeling an overwhelming hatred for him. I leapt back at him, causing him to block what he could while I got on some lucky hits. "I've had a Quirk this whole time, All Might! But no, I wasn't good enough to be a hero, now am I?!"

He grunted and swung at me, but my body teleported out of the way instinctually, allowing me to continue my assault on him. He began to strike back, landing a lucky hit that I was able to deflect.

"Stop it, Kyu! I don't want to hurt you!" He began to beg and I began to laugh hysterically.

"Hurt me?!" I laughed, then sighed, shaking my head with my mouth in a firm line as I responded, "Society already hurt me past the point of no return, All Might. You and Izuku kept me away from the one I cherish the most... you took my baby, forcing me to have an abortion, claiming I had Stockholm Syndrome and was raped... you blame Psychosis on me not fully understanding what I'm doing?" I raked a hand through my unruly hair, catching a look from Tomura of pure lust. "Truth is, All Might; I know exactly what I'm doing. And you seemed to underestimate me. This is your downfall, All Might!" I charged myself up again, "You're the one who fucked up!"

"Kyu..." Tomura whispered, standing up. All Might tried to fight me, but was at the mercy of my blows. I didn't hold back; I broke every bone in his body out of pure spite. How dare he touch me like Tomura! How dare he take Izuku away from me! How dare he!

"I am a fucking villain All Might!" I snapped, kicking him high in the air. I grabbed a metal pole and held it in place as gravity worked against All Might. The pole went through his heart as he sputtered.

"...Heroes? Villians?" I began to laugh, "There is no difference to me. What matters to me is that I have people I can rely on," I turned toward Tomura as he smiled happily, his gaze reflecting a love that I knew was true. "And that Society will answer for all transgressions against those who don't fit into its perfect mold."

"Society is the one that needs to change, my love," Tomura chuckled as I kissed him. He embraced me, leaving me breathless with the strength of his lips.

With a man likethis on my side , I can never lose...


"No..." Deku felt himself fall to the ground in disbelief. The rest of the class stood with him, eyes in shock, Did that just play for the whole city?!

"Deku..." Ochako held onto his shoulder as Katsuki shook his head.

"Damnit..." Katsuki cursed.

"...Kyu..." Deku whispered, feeling cold rain hit his burning cheek. Katsuki wiped his cheek with a soft cloth as Deku looked up at the cloudless sky.

"Izu, you'll do great. Remember: this test does not determine whether or not you can be a hero. This only measures your current abilities and lets them know how you can improve. Trust your instinct and you'll do fine."

"...Why?" He whispered, his body shaking with the power of One For All. Katsuki held him in his arms as he broke down, his Quirk responding to his emotions.

"Easy, Deku..." he soothed as Deku cried silently.

"I believe in you!"

"She... she betrayed me..." he whispered, "My own sister... she told me she believed in me; she told me I would be a great hero..." He bunched up his fists, plasma at his fingertips. "She-she lied to me..."

"No, she didn't, Deku..." Katsuki growled, grabbing him by his shirt collar, "Snap out of it! She told you she wanted to be with the villains, remember? If anything, she runs with the Villains now- it's obvious that Society failed to protect her- now, we can either bring her to justice or allow her to walk the streets as a murderer! I vote the first one."

"...Justice..." Deku murmured, unable to look up from the ground. Justice for All Might.... He didn't deserve to die the way he did... Even if it was by his sister's hands, he didn't deserve it... "You're right; let's plan our counterattack," Deku murmured.

He had to right this wrong. This was his mistake. He had to make it right...!

"Deku," Ochako breathed as everyone turned to him.

"We need to avenge All Might by bringing the League of Villains to justice. By any means necessary..." He said aloud. "And that means... If  you can kill Kyubara Midoriya, take that chance! She needs to be stopped at all costs!" He steeled his heart. Kyu... you're my big sister and I'll always love you, but you... you need to be  stopped. Even if I have to kill you myself.

Decisive Judgement- A Tomura Shigaraki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now