Chapter 8 - Going To School

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Chapter 8 - Going To School

Just as the boy said those words, he saw Su Ling’s face and was stunned speechless. Amazement flashed through his eyes, then his anger became deeper.

Su Ling didn't take those threats and yelling into his heart, he just clenched his fists tightly. Gu Liheng is really his imaginary male god! Yes, although the author rarely describes his male god in words, but when he thinks about it carefully, President Gu’s temperament and his male god is quite similar. They have excellent elite education, grew up under strict teaching, and possessed a strong sense of responsibility. Plus, that deep and restrained personality.  At this moment, when Su Ling thought of Gu Liheng, his feelings became different.

"You dared to ignore me!" Zhao Qi’s eyes turned red while pointing at Su Ling. Then he stepped forward and waved his fist at Su Ling's head.

Su Ling's thin eyelids slightly lifted. He swiftly raised his hand to grab Zhao Qi’s hand.

Zhao Qi was stunned. He didn't expect Su Ling to fight back at all. His face turned redder from the anger, and he tried to pull back hard, "Let me go."

Su Ling raised his eyebrows and let go.

Because Zhao Qi was struggling as hard as he could, and he didn't expect Su Ling to let go of his hands so quickly, his body staggered backward several steps from the inertia. But he was quickly supported by his friend, "Qi Qi, are you okay?"

Zhao Qi pushed his friend away and glared at Su Ling with clenched teeth, "Smelly Su, has your brain gone bad?"

Frowning, Su Ling looked at the imposing Zhao Qi, and thought of the plot where he(ZQ) would marry Gu Liheng, he(SL) was very upset. Thinking of Gu Liheng's ending, where he dies because of Zhao Qi in the novel, his expression became colder. Definitely cannot let Zhao Qi and Gu Liheng get married!

Currently, Zhao Qi and his friend are both 3rd-year seniors, while Zhao Qi is a university freshman when he gets married to Gu Liheng in the novel. Right now is the end of May, which means there are only 3 months away from the university opening period. Zhao Qi and Gu Liheng got married because of some gratitude, it is not easy to stop that marriage from going on, unless - Gu Liheng is married before that.

"Hey, 3 students over there, classes are going to start soon! Hurry return to the classroom!" Just as Su Ling was thinking about the plot, the teacher on duty at the school gate shouted at them.

Zhao Qi strode over Su Ling in a stride, deliberately bumping his shoulder as he passed, and whispered, "Take ‘good care’ of yourself after school."

Su Ling touched his chin and curled his lips. So naive. He closed his bracelet’s navigation system, with Zhao Qi leading the way, he doesn’t need it anymore.

When Su Ling entered the classroom, everyone’s gaze fell upon him, staring while discussing something. He stood hesitantly at the door, didn't know where his seat was. But in this classmates’ eyes, this action means he was afraid. The students were accustomed to it as this is how Su Ling reacts normally; speaks only a few words, and timid.

"Wow, he looks good after changing his hairstyle!"

"I'm dumbfounded, his appearance looks sunny now."

"Tsk, he is still a coward."

"Su Ling." The teacher walked into the classroom and patted Su Ling's shoulder with a gentle tone. Pointing at the third row of seats by the window on the right, he said, "Teacher adjusted the seat for you. You can sit there."

Su Ling glanced at the seat the teacher pointed out. His tablemate is a pretty teenager who still has some fat baby on his cheeks, and he has big eyes. When he looked over to the seat, his tablemate waved at him and even smiled, very friendly. Su Ling swept his eyes around in the classroom. His tablemate was the only student who expressed friendliness to him. Other students were indifferent, and some were like Zhao Qi, revealing disdain and hatred towards him.

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