Chapter 65 - Apology

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Chapter 65 - Apology

Because they have just rehearsed the day before, everything in the studio was in order. Director Wang saw Su Ling coming in and smiled, "Have to bother you to go through the process once more before the live broadcast to make sure everything is in the correct order."

Su Ling nodded in understanding and released Xian Mo Yu.

When it is almost 7.30 pm, Su Ling put Xian Mo Yu back into the space storage and returned to backstage. Sitting side by side with Gu Liheng, they watched the live broadcast showed on the wall while waiting.

At 7.30 pm, Director Wang's voice came from behind the cameras, "Start!"

The host appeared onstage with a smile, "Hello everyone and our audience, welcome to our science program, I am the host Xiao Ke."

The host spoke proficiently with the opening remarks, and the comment barrage was filled with Xian Mo Yu’s name. The number of viewers on the live channel rose rapidly. The backstage staffs were full of joy. Some people couldn't help but said with excitement, "Today’s show will definitely set a record."

There are 2 electronic screens on the ground in front of the stage. On the left is a teleprompter, and on the right is a comment screen. When the host saw the comment barrage, he didn't panic and stayed composed amid the urging. He introduced Xian Mo Yu in general according to the planned process. After rousing the audience's curiosity to the peak, he smiled and said, "Let’s welcome our special guest, Xian Mo Yu.”

Su Ling walked to the stage and smiled at the camera. Then he released Xian Mo Yu and returned to backstage. Xian Mo Yu stretched out two roots to follow him; 1 wrapped around his wrist beside Lóng Mo Téng, and 1 stood beside him.

After Xian Mo Yu appeared on the stage, the barrage exploded instantly, "It's beautiful!"

"The Omega just now is Xian Mo Yu’s owner? Super envious!"

"I heard that Grade S Xian Mo Yu has a high IQ, is it true?"

The host looked at Xian Mo Yu and said, "Xian Mo Yu, can you say hello to the audience?"

Xian Mo Yu's red petals moved up and down, and 5 roots stretch out to the front of the camera. They shook left and right, simulating the motion of a hand wave.

"Wow! It really said hello!"

"So smart!"

Xian Mo Yu followed the process as rehearsed. After its greeting, its petals returned to being motionless, and its roots were retracted. However, it found something new in the middle of retracting. A root bend and moved to stop at the comment screen on the right. This wasn’t here during the rehearsal. Seeing the barrage full of praises on the screen, Xian Mo Yu became very happy. Its roots swayed around, and at the same time, it shared its joy to its son and friend, "Many people praised me, hahaha."

Su Ling rubbed the root on his wrist and reminded, "Papa Xian, don't look the barrage now. You are doing a live broadcast now."

The host was stunned by Xian Mo Yu’s action but quickly reacted. He pointed at the comment screen on the right-hand side and said, "Dear audience, all of you knows that this is a comment screen, right? We didn’t use this during rehearsal. So, Xian Mo Yu sees it for the first time and is probably curious."

The happily swaying roots stood up and nodded up and down. Following Su Ling's reminder, the roots retracted back to the flower bud.

"So cute!"

"Too smart, it even learned to nod like us."

"Haha, it was swaying so happily before. Could it knows that we are praising it?"

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