Chapter 24 - Rebirth

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Chapter 24 - Rebirth

Startled by those words, Su Ling’s eyes widened, and he quickly sized up Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi was staring intently at him, his lips were pale and trembling slightly. When their eyes met, Zhao Qi took a step back uncontrollably, as if he was frightened.

Su Ling: "..." Could it be this person thought he is some kind of evil spirit?

He raised up his right eyebrow and said, "Are you cursing me?" Then he pointed at his cheek, and pointed at Zhao Qi's face next, saying, "I looked much healthier than you, and you are still alive."

Zhao Qi bit his lower lip and asked in a low voice, "Who are you? You," he spoke extremely fast, with a hint of panic, "You obviously died from your suicide attempt!"

Glancing over Zhao Qi’s pale face, a big word ‘Rebirth’ appeared in Su Ling's mind. He calmed and showed a confused expression.

"Did you dream about me when you were being treated in the hospital? We are classmates, so I might have just appeared in your dream if you were thinking about me. Although we do have clashes sometimes, I did not expect that you want me to die." Then he sneered, "Don't talk to me again in the future."

After Su Ling said that, he immediately took two steps to the right. Zhao Qi wanted to block him, but his actions were too fast to stop. So, Su Ling quickly passed Zhao Qi and left the school. Leaving Zhao Qi behind him, he frowned. If Zhao Qi is really reborn, what will he(ZQ) do next? If so, he(SL) has to pay more attention to his male god. Just as he reached the school gate, his bracelet rang, and he answered the call.

Nalu: "Xiao Ling, the extractor you bought has arrived. Do you want to come and have a look?"

Su Ling reached out and stopped a taxi, "I'll be there right away."

The extractor is a commonly used tool for processing raw materials. He used it in his previous life when he made perfume. Belle Planet's machinery is more advanced than his world. In the past few days, his only job was to assist Darry in harvesting the ball fluid. It’s a trivial task that can be completed in 10 minutes, and he doesn’t even need to prepare anything like he did for the exam, so he was very idle. Hence, he went to browse for some spiritual plant textbooks on the Internet. After reading about how to make fragrance, he especially wanted to make perfume, so he bought a small extractor.

Nalu: "Okay, what raw materials do you want to use for practice? I know many suppliers and can help to place an order for you."

Su Ling got in the taxi, told the driver the address of the fragrance bar, and then said, "I'll talk about it when I arrived."

He still doesn't know how to use the extractor of this world, so he will make the decision after checking and understanding how to operate the machine.


Zhao Qi kept staring at Su Ling's back until he couldn't see Su Ling's figure, and then looked away. Those are definitely not dreams! Everything is the same, except for Su Ling, because Su Ling obviously killed himself. Zhao Qi stood there for a while, his expression changed several times and finally returned to his expressionless face. It doesn't matter, Su Ling is an insignificant person. Zhao Qi looked forward with dark eyes. He gave everything to love someone, but in the end, he couldn't even get a glance from that person. This time, he didn’t want it anymore. He will not let go of those two people who brought him endless pain!

Standing for a while, Zhao Qi turned and left the school. He came to school to find Su Ling and was not interested in graduation photos. Madam Gu should be in the hospital right now if he was not mistaken. In his previous life, he was injured during his freshman year. Then he met Madam Gu in the hospital and learned that his parents lent a helping hand to the Gu Family before. After that, using that favor, he married into Gu Family and helped his family get through some troubles at the time. But right now, he didn't have the patience to wait until a few months later to meet Madam Gu. He got in the car and said to the driver, "The Central Hospital."

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