Chapter 29 - Condition

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Chapter 29 - Condition

Gu Liheng stood in front of the door for a while before turning around and went inside the villa. After sending a text message to someone, he went to the second floor. He took off the isolator to take a bath and changed into cotton pyjamas. The comfort of his body made his expression relaxed. Then Gu Liheng went into his study and dialled a number.

The call was quickly connected, and the psychiatrist Mill's voice was gentle and calm, "Good evening."

Gu Liheng greeted him, and Mill asked straightforwardly, "Is there any progress?" He rested his elbow on the armrest, his hand propped his forehead,  "No... I need your help."

Mill: "I'm delighted to help, tell me about your current situation. Are you still in contact with the person who makes you smile?"

Gu Liheng: "Yes."

Mill immediately asked, "How is the effect?"

Gu Liheng was silent for a moment. He did not answer the question but said, "He can't help me. I contacted you to ask if there is any other way."

Staying beside the young man felt effortless and joyful, but after everything changed after his confession. Before this, he liked to stay with the young man, and it felt natural to him to help and take care of him(SL). He didn't think about the feelings between Alpha and Omega until the moment the young man confessed. His heartbeat was uncontrollable, and a joy that he had never had before surged in his heart. These reactions made him realize that his feelings for the young man were not friendship.

Although Gu Liheng has no experience in love, he is not a fool. No one would react this way to a friend's confession. After realizing this feeling, the boy's smile turned into a curse because it reminded him of all the blind dates he was forced to go a long time ago. The fearful expression and shifting gaze of those people keep flashing in his mind. Though this doesn’t always happen on the first meeting with the blind dates, the second and third meeting will always end up with the same result. The young man has a beautiful smile. If he(SL) get together with the expressionless him, that one day will come where he(SL) couldn’t stand it anymore, and his smile would be exhausted. Everyone has an expectation from the person they like; expecting their lover to show a smile instead of being serious and indifferent.

Mill was a little surprised and regretful, but he didn't continue the topic. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Besides work, do you have any other activities that enable you to communicate with other people?"

Gu Liheng: "...No."

Some things won’t sound wrong if not brought up, but when being explicitly mentioned, one can see the problem.

Not surprised, Mill explained, "Your symptoms are mainly psychological problems. I suggest you make more friends, participate in private gatherings, and relax yourself. Being at work for a long time, and not communicating with others will make your situation worse." After a moment of silence, Mill gently said, "Your heart problems mainly stem from your mother's teaching when you were young. You can try to smile in front of your mother."

The sound of Gu Liheng's breathing suddenly increased.

Mill slowed down his talk, "I know, this is a challenge, but if you can overcome it, it will be beneficial to your condition." Then he said, "Of course, before that, I have to do a test for you to make sure the attempt does not backfire. If you have time, come to my studio."

Gu Liheng: "Alright."

Mill was very pleased to hear that he agreed to come, "I am happy for you."

A few years ago, he persuaded Gu Liheng to do systemic treatment, but Gu Liheng refused. He still remembers what Gu Liheng said to him at that time, ‘It’s fine like this’. Right now, he is even more curious about the person who made Gu Liheng smile. Although Gu Liheng didn't say anything much, it was not difficult for Mill to infer that Gu Liheng's change was related to that person.

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